Chapter 14

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The next few days went smoothly. Alfred's fever was slowly coming down. Everyone was calm. Arthur and Francis were busy working on something for the boys. It was all going well.

Upstairs Matthew was trying to get Alfred to eat some soup.

"Come on Al, you need to eat." Matt said, holding the bowl.

Alfred groaned and turned away.

"Alllfrreeeedddd." Matt droned out.

"M'sleepy M'tt." Al drawled.

"Soup then you can sleep. Your still sick." Matt argued.

"No'm not." Al protested.

"You still have a 101.2 fever." Matt pointed out.


Matt sighed. "Fine then, no Supernatural today."

Alfred sat up. "I'll eat the soup."

Matt grinned, "That's what I thought."

Matthew handed him the bowl and gave him the spoon. "Eat up, I'll be back I'm going to go get my own."

Alfred nodded and drank a spoonful of soup. He sat there and watched Matt go out the door. When he didn't see Matt, he put the spoon down and sighed. He really wasn't hungry. He looked from his bowl to the window on the other side of the room. He could dump some out the window.

He shook his head. Matt would be so upset with him if he did that. Slowly he took another bite. He told Matt he was fine, but he didn't feel fine. His stomach hurt, and lurched when the soup entered it. He put the spoon and soup down and held his stomach, willing it to stop.

His head jerked up when he heard Matt coming back up the stairs. He grabbed the bowl and took another bite as the door opened. But when it opened it didn't reveal Matt. It was Arthur. Alfred looked at him.

"I convinced him to take a break and spend time with Francis." Arthur said.

"Ah okay then."

"So, how you feeling?" Arthur asked sitting down next the the bed.

"Fine." Al lied.

Really, he was cold. But he didn't want to curl up under the blankets.

"That's good. I presume you'll be better within the next 2 or 3 days." Arthur smiled.

"I hope so. I'm tired of sitting in this bed."

"At least your not hallucinating anymore. You saw fairies everywhere. Even salted your door and window one night. Afraid something was going to come in." Arthur chuckled.

Alfred blushed. He didn't really remember any of the time he had been delirious.

The two sat upstairs for a few hours just talking about stuff. Around 3:30, Matt came up.

"Want to watch Supernatural now?" he asked.

"Hell yes." Arthur and Alfred said in unison.

Arthur and Francis had been catching up with the boys over that past week. Who said you couldn't watch 3 years worth of television in a week?

"Well come on, were on episode 16, the finale." Matt said.

Alfred stood up with Arthur and the three of them walked out of the room and into the living room where Francis was setting up the popcorn and OnDemand. Alfred and Matthew knew it was going to be a feels fest for Arthur and Francis. They had seen this episode, and had cried their eyes out.

"Well come on, sit down." Al said from the couch.

The three sat down and Matt hit play with a smirk.

______________________--40 minutes later--______________________

"DEAN NOOOO!!!!!!" Arthur yelled, tears running down his face.

Francis was hugging Matthew like a life line. Arthur was practically sobbing into a pillow. The boys had tears in their eyes, but weren't as upset. They had seen this before.

"Next one now." Arthur demanded.

Alfred nodded and went to the episode selection and chose 4.1.

______________________TIME SKIP AGAIN___________________________

This was how most the day was spent. Sitting on the couch watching Supernatural. They had watched at least 5 episode. So right now it was almost 7 o'clock in the evening.

Francis looked up and saw the time. "I'll go get started on dinner."

"I'll help." Matt offered.

"I want a shower." Alfred said, standing up heading up stairs.

"Yeah me too."

So the four of them split up and went to their stations.

"You get in first." Arthur said.

Alfred nodded and got clean pajamas and entered the bathroom. Arthur sat down and opened the book he was currently reading.

Downstairs Matthew and Francis were making dinner.

"How about lasagna?" Matt offered.

"Sounds good."

Francis was getting the ingredients out while Matt was watching the noddles. When they were ready to be strained he took the pot and went to the sink.

"Be careful not to burn yourself Matthew." Francis said, getting out pan.

"Don't worry I'll b------ OWWWWWWW!!!!!" Matt yelled, dropping the pan with a clatter.

Francis whipped around to see Matt clutching his arm, pot on the floor. He turned off the stove and rushed over to see what had happened.

"Move your hand Matthew, I need to see."

Matt moved his hand away from his arm. Underneath was all red and some spots were blistering. Quickly, Francis grabbed a wash cloth and ran it under cold water. When he finished he went to Matt and put it on his arm. Matt hissed in pain, then sagged in relief.

"What happened?" Francis asked.

"My hand slipped and the water dumped onto my arm. Sorry papa." Matt said quietly.

Francis hugged his boy. "It's alright, it was and accident."

"It hurts papa."

"I know, I think we need to go to the doctor for-"


They both jumped to their feet and ran up the stairs. They walked into Alfred's room to see Arthur trying to hold a jerking Alfred down. Matthew's eyes widened and he ran over, cloth falling off of his arm. Al's eyes were rolled into the back of his head.

"What happened?!" He asked, holding down one of Al's arms.

"I don't know, I was in the shower. When I came in here he was having a fit."

Matthew put his hand on Alfred's forehead and quickly pulled it away.

"He's burning up."

"It's a fever seizure. His body is to hot." Francis said.

"How long does it last?" Arthur asked pale.

"Usually less then 5 minutes."

Sure enough a minute later Alfred stopped and laid still.

"We need to take him to the hospital. His fever was only 101 this morning." Francis said.

The other two nodded and picked up Alfred. Quickly, the three of them rushed out of the house and to the car and sped away to the hospital.

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