Chapter 38

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Alistor, Alfred, Arthur, Francis, Gilbert, and Yao surged forward towards the lake. 

"Mattie!!" Alfred screamed, trying to run out to the center.

Arthur grabbed his arms and held him back. Alfred struggled, tears streaming down his face. 

"LET! ME! GO!!"

Arthur just held him tighter, not letting Alfred go onto the lake. 

Alfred kept struggling, wanting to get to his brother, cries ripping out of his chest.

Before anyone could react, Matthias surged forward. The Nordic man ripped of his coat and jumped into the water.

"BIG BROTHER!!!" Lukas cried out as Matthias went under the icy depths of the lake.

Everyone stood at the edge of the lake, waiting in suspense. Alfred had finally stopped struggling and had sunk to the ground. Alistor and Arthur sat next to him and held him as he cried. Feliciano was crying into Ludwig's chest, and Ludwig was standing their in shock, slowly running a hand through Feliciano's hair. The other Nordics were kneeling at the edge of the lake, waiting for their brother to come back up. Francis was standing at the edge, desperately hoping for his Mathieu to come back. Everyone else was either hugging someone or starting at the lake. 

After what felt like a life time, Matthias's head popped up from the water, and an unconscious Matthew in his grip. 

Emil, Tino, Berwald and Lukas ran forward and dragged Matthew from Matthis and carried him to the side. Matthias quickly went back under to retrieve Ivan. 

"MATHIEU!!" Franicis yelled, running over to his son.

"Move!" Toris said, pushing past everyone. 

He knelt down next to Matthew and started CPR. 

In the back, Matthias came up with Ivan. The others carried him to the side and started the same procedure. After a minute nothing was happening.

"Elizabeta." Toris said, "I need you to breath for him. Two breaths for every thirty compressions."

Elizabeta nodded and did as told, Yao doing the same to Ivan.

Finally, after about another minute the two started coughing up water. By this time everyone was practically was in tears.

"In the house!" Antonio snapped.

Alfred picked up Matthew and Yao and Berwald picked up Ivan and got into the house. Ludwig quickly set up the fire place and got a fire going. Ravis and Eduard came back with blankets and wrapped them around the two. 

Matthew's eyes opened blearily. 

"Al'ie?" he whispered hoarsely.

Alfred hugged him tight and nodded, "Right here Mattie." his voice cracked on his name. 

Matthew leaned into the warmth and closed his eyes again and fell asleep.

Francis sat on the floor in front of the twins and held Matthew's hand that was dangling off the edge. Arthur and Alistor sat on the other end of the couch. 

"'ao?" came another whisper.

Yao hugged Ivan to his chest, "I'm here. I'm here."

Ivan nodded and drifted off to sleep as well. 

Ludwig and Feliciano went into the kitchen to make hot chocolate. Lovino, Antonio and Gilbert went upstairs to find some warm clothes to change Matthew and Ivan into. The five Nordics sat in the corner drying to warm Matthias up again, who had already changed. Kiku went into the kitchen to assist his friends. Toris, Ravis and Eduard watched the fire, making sure it didn't go out. Elizabeta and Roderich were huddled on another small couch, just staring into space.

A few minutes later Ludwig, Feliciano and Kiku came out with nineteen hot chocolates. They were handed out silently, three set aside for when Antonio and the other two came back. A second later Lovino came in and handed sweatpants and a sweatshirts to Alfred. Alfred stood up and carried Matthew carefully to a guest room and changed his clothes and tucked him into bed. Alfred grabbed a chair and sat next to Matthew's bed, not going back out to the living room. 

Another door opened down the hall, signalling that Yao was doing the same for Ivan.

Everyone back in the living room were all hoping the same thing. 

That everyone would still be alright in the morning.

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