Chapter 41

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A few days later, they four of them were sitting at the dinner table, eating pasta.

The boys had cleaned up the messes they had made digging through all the boxes. They occasionally giggled remembering the Scotts reaction when they called him.

"I need to go back to France. I've been away for too long." Francis says breaking the comfortable silence.

"Well this seems to be a good of time as any." Alfred started.

The other three looked at him.

"What do you mean?" Matthew asked.

"I.... I think I'm ready to be by myself, or maybe with Mattie if he wants." Al said looking down. "We're all doing so much better. Plus we all need to get back to work eventually."

"Wait you mean..." Matthew started with a smile.

Alfred grinned and nodded. "Yeah, back at a healthy weight. It was all thanks to you guys. I didn't even notice until, like, three days ago. And I have no problem with eating anymore, well most of the time."

Arthur and Francis had huge smiles on their faces.

"I'm so proud of you Alfred," Francis said.

Al looked down and blushed. "Thank you."

Arthur was about to say something before he stopped and his face had a look of realization.

"Guess what?" he said.

"What?" Matthew asked.

"I haven't cut in three months. I didn't notice either. Never felt the urge to. And... I don't want to anymore. I have a family that's here for me now." Arthur said, tears prickling at his eyes.

Everyone was beaming at this point.

"Oh come here all of you." Matthew said holding out his arms.

They all got up and piled into a great big hug.

"We're finally okay again. We're gonna be okay from now on." Francis said.

They all smiled, "Yeah, we are."


As the years past, everyone was still happy. Ivan and Yao were very happy together, Ivan getting involved in more events now like Christmas and Thanksgiving. Feliciano and Ludwig were also going strong. Romano was very proud of his brother. Kiku opened up to more people and became less awkward and more social. Francis and Arthur were happy. Arthur hadn't cut himself at all during this time, clean for years now, even if he had days when he felt sad. Matthew was noticed almost all the time now, and he was extremely happy about this. Alfred was more comfortable with himself, and of course he had his down days like Arthur, but he never went back to purging or starving himself. All the countries of the world fed off of their happiness and the world was a calm, peaceful place. No one argued and everyone got along.

Some traditions were kept, like Christmas parties and Hockey matches between Ivan, Matthew, Tino, Berwald, Lukas, Matthias and Emil, sometimes Alfred. Thanksgiving was always held at Alfred's house, where the world became one big family.

So all in all, everyone was happy and alive and life was great for everyone.

There were no more struggles, no more fighting, no one being forgotten.

Everyone was loved and happy.

And that's all that mattered.



I am proud to announce that this story is done. This was the last chapter. I'm gonna keep that quiz up for another week then announce which fic is going up. I hope you enjoy the last chapter of this story. And I hope I didn't kill your feels too much ^.^ I had a lot of fun writing this and I hope you enjoyed reading it. It's been a great nine months of writing this. I'm surprised I managed to update every weekend, except those two times I was in Disney XD. And I'm grateful for everyone who's stuck with it through the end.

Again, go to the quiz on Quotev. I have the same username and it's 'which fanfic should I write next' something like that.

*waves* see you all in the next fic

*Smiles, walks to a door, looks back and walks out as lights fade into the dark*

*A faint light shines onto a lovely editor sitting in a large chair as the author leaves.*

Sorry to ruin your dramatic exit child but I just have to add a note.

It was fun editing and reading my friend's work. Happy ending to a wonderful book, my favorite :3
You did a wonderful job my friend 💕 I'm very proud of you and your works.

And thank you fellow readers! You guys are seriously awesome. You wouldn't guess how many times my friend would text me screenshots of all your comments that me her smile and laugh. I'm giving you all huge virtual hugs for being the best readers ever to her!

See you in the next fanfic!
*All said the last light shuts off*

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