Chapter 19

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Sorry, I don't really know what goes on in panels but hey maybe it's on youtube and you can go watch it XD Oh and sorry for any extra randomness that may appear I'm listening to MCR while writing this and they always get me hyped up XD so yeah.


Everyone clapped and yelled as Jensen, Jared, and Misha (who had crashed it again) announced the end of the panel. 

"Oh wait!" Misha said.

Everyone quieted down somewhat and listed to what Misha had to say.

"We have some special guest who need to meet us in about 15 minutes down the hall. You know who you are." he said.

The crowd groaned wondering who those special people were and were very jealous, especially they crazy fangirls.

"Ahh lucky ducks, I wish we could meet them." Alfred whined.

Arthur and Francis shared a smirk and turned to the boys.

"Maybe next time." Francis grinned.

Glibert looked at them suspiciously. If those two did what he think they did, they were the 2nd and 3rd awesome-est people in the world. He was of coarse 1st. 

"Kesesesese! I am very envious of those people. I hope they have a good time." He laughed, giving Francis a knowing look.

Francis looked shocked and then smiled. Count on Gil to figure it out.

"Well I gotta go. I'm going to the Rob and Rich Kick Off. See ya'll later." Gil waved and walked out of the room.

"Come on boys. Lets go." Arthur said.

Matt and Al followed the two not paying attention to where they were going, talking about the amazing panel they had just been to. They weren't paying attention to where they were going until they ran into Arthur and Francis.

"Why are we stopping?" Matt asked.

"Were here." Francis said.

Arthur looked in the room and sure enough Jensen, Jared and Misha were sitting there goofing off. He knocked on the door and there was a yell of 'Come in!' from inside.

Alfred and Matt stopped and started at the door.

"Was that..?" Al stuttered.

"Nooo..." Matt said grinning.

"Well come on boys. Let's go." Francis said grinning and walked in.

Arthur followed then slowly Al and Matt did too.

"Hey. What up?" Misha asked.

Alfred and Matt just started at the scene in front of them. Jenson and Jared were standing up and smiling at them, like they knew that the twins didn't know that this was happening. Misha was just grinning, like normal.

"I'm assuming that you guys are Arthur," Artie raised his hand, "Francis." another hand, "Matthew," a shocked nod, "And Alfred." Jensen finished, with another nod.

"Your cosplays are amazing." Jared said.

Al and Matt blushed and stuttered a 'thank you' while the other 5 people in the room laughed.

"I think that it's safe to assume that you two didn't know that this was going to happen, did you?" Misha asked.

"Yes, it is." Al finally spoke mock glaring at Arthur and Francis.

"Well we were emailing with Arthur and Francis here. They wanted to do a special surprise for you because some bad things were happening and needed cheering up." Jared said, smiling kindly.

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