Chapter 40

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The next few months were great. They had a world meeting in February, where most of the nations were still confused about the paper on the wall with the nine signatures. Alistor went back to Scotland because he was needed for a lot of work. Francis had to go back to France for a week after the meeting to do some things and Alfred, Matthew and Arthur were working from Arthur's house.

It was March when Alfred started to finally get better. He would eat whenever there was a meal and not be fidgety when he started gaining some healthy weight. He was always giddy and humming songs and smiling all he time. The other didn't question it glad that he was healing.

Although Matthew didn't know weather to be happy his brother was happy or worried because he seemed too happy.

One day Alfred came over and whispered something in Matt's ear. After a moment the twins smirks and took off up the stairs.

"Should we be scared." Francis asks.


Mean while upstairs the twins started giggling like mad men. Matthew looked at Alfred "Your hair first"

Al nodded as they started scheming the prank on the two downstairs. They started pulling out decade old boxes from the closet. They opened the first one and grinned at what was inside.

"I can't believe he still has all this with him." Alfred said.

Matthew opened the second box, the box that had everything they needed.

"Artie had some wild phases." He said pulling stuff out.

First they changed their clothes and looked at each other. Alfred had black jeans and a dark red shirt, a jacket and high-top converse. Matthew was wearing the exact same thing except for a dark blue shirt.

"To the bathroom!" Al yelled.

They grabbed the contents of the box, ran for the bathroom, and locked the door. There was a knock on the door.

"Boys? You okay?" Francis asked.

"Fine!" they giggled.

"Alright, were ordering pizza." Francis said.

"Kay." Alfred said.

They heard Francis walked away.

"Alright lets get this done." Alfred said, turning to his brother.

Thirty minutes later they were finished. They added the finishing touches and looked in the mirror. Alfred's hair was black with red highlights, and Matthew's was black with blue highlights.

"Wanna surprise Artie and Francis?" Alfred asked.

Matthew laughed. "Let's go!"

They quickly put away their mess and walked into the living room where Francis was paying they pizza guy.

Francis turned around and nearly dropped the pizza.

"Arthur!" he yelled.

"What!?" came the reply.

"Come here!"

There was footsteps from the kitchen and Arthur appeared.

"What is i- Oh not again!!!!" Arthur threw his hand up in the air.

"You like?" Alfred asked, striking a pose.

Arthur groaned.

"Why?!?" He yelled to the ceiling, going back into the kitchen.

The twins just cackled, calling Alistor to get him too.

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