Chapter 26

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The four stood there in shock. Alfred had gone pale. Matthew was freaking out on the inside. Alistor was numb. Francis was the most calm out of all of them.

"For how long?" He whispered. 

The doctor sighed. "Hopefully not for long. We suspect it should only last about two to three weeks."

The others sighed in relief. It really wasn't that long, compared to other times when people would sleep for months.

"Can we- Can we see him?" Matthew whispered.

The doctor nodded. "Follow me."

They followed the doctor through the halls to room 118. 

"Here you are." He said.

"Thank you." Alistor said.

They walked into the room and sat around Arthur's bed. 

Tubes and wires were sticking out of his arms. He was on a ventilator to make sure he didn't stop breathing. The heart monitor was beeping steadily. 

Alistor sat by his brother's head and held his hand.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry Artie. I should never have said those things to you. I regret them so much. I just want you to wake up and be okay." Alistor cried, his head hanging on his chest.

The others just let him talk, knowing he needed to get it out of him. Francis was holding back tears. Arthur was doing so good. He hadn't cut in weeks, maybe months. This just shows how just one word can send people back.

Alfred and Matthew were scared. They just wanted Arthur to wake up. They wanted him to be happy. They wanted him to trust them with his problems. 

They all sat there for what seemed like hours until a nurse came in around two in the morning. 

"I'm sorry boys. Visiting hours were over a long time ago. I know you want to be with your friend, but I think you should go home and rest. You can come back in the morning." She said kindly.

"Alright, thank you." Francis said. 

They four stood up and silently walked out of the room and headed for the front doors. They went to the car they drove and went home in silence. 

When they got home, they all got out and went into the house.

"Good night boys." Francis said.

"Night." Alfred whispered.

Matthew just nodded. They two went up the stairs and to their separate rooms for the night.

Francis sighed. "I should probably go clean up the bathroom." 

"I'll help." Alistor volunteered.

"Alright, come on." Francis said.

They went up the stairs and to the bathroom. They looked around. There was blood on the floor, staining the rug that was in front of the sink. The bloody razor was still on the floor. They got the cleaning supplies and started. 

When they were done Alistor bid Francis goodnight and went to one of the many guest rooms in the house. Francis finished putting the cleaning supplies away and headed to bed himself. 

As he laid down, he started at Arthur's side of the bed. It was cold. It shouldn't be cold. He allowed one tear to drip down his face. He rolled over and faced the wall and fell asleep, knowing that Arthur would be back in a few weeks time.


"Come on Alfred, you need to eat something." Matthew begged three days later.

"Why?" Alfred mumbled.

"Because you haven't eaten anything in a day and a half. Please." Matthew said.

"I'm not hungry." Alfred said.

Matthew wanted to cry. First Arthur was in a coma, and now Alfred was relapsing. He didn't know what to do. A tear made it's way down his face.

"Please." He whispered. 

Alfred looked at him. It pained him to see Matthew like this. He didn't want to hurt him.

"....Okay." Alfred said quietly.

Matthew looked up and smiled. "Thank you. Come on."

He led Alfred to the kitchen. "How about something small, like toast."

Alfred nodded. Matthew made the toast and pulled out butter, peanut butter and jelly. He let Alfred choose what he wanted. 

Alfred looked at the three and decided on the jelly. He spread it on his two pieces of toast and took a small bite. Matthew was smiling. He was doing this for Matthew. 

Francis walked in. He smiled when he saw that Alfred was eating something. 

"How are you boys?" he asked, getting coffee.

"Alright." they answered.

"That's good. Do you want to go to the hospital with me and Alistor today?" Francis asked. 

The boys hadn't gone back to the hospital yet. It hurt to see Arthur like that. But today it was different.

"Sure." Matthew said.

"Alfred?" Francis asked.


"Okay, we'll leave in about and hour." Francis said, finishing his coffee and putting the mug in the sink.

The boys nodded.

"I'll go get ready." Matthew said.

"Me too." Alfred agreed.

They walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs to change out of their pajamas and get ready for the day. 

Francis sighed as he looked at the table. On the plate was an uneaten piece of toast. He picked it up and threw it away, knowing Alfred wouldn't eat it. He ran a hand through his blonde hair. 

What was happening to his family?

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