Chapter 13

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Matthew woke up the next morning on the floor next to his bed. At first he wondered why but then remembered Alfred. Quickly he sat up to check Alfred. Matt put his hand to Al's forehead and frowned when it was still hot. He got the thermometer and checked his temperature. When it beeped he looked at it and sighed. 102.8. It hadn't gone down much. He put his finger in the bowl of water to test how cold it was. It was warm. He grabbed the bowl and went to the kitchen to fill it with cold water. When he got in the kitchen Francis and Arthur were already there.

"Morning Matthew." Francis said.

"Morning." Matt replied filling the bowl.

"How's Alfred?" Arthur asked.

"Fever is at 102.8." Matthew said.

Arthur sighed, "I hope he gets better."

"Me too." Matthew said heading back upstairs.

"Now lets just hope Matt doesn't get sick taking care of him either." Francis said.

"That would be horrible. Alfred would take care of him and probably get sick again. We can't let that happen." Arthur said.

Francis nodded. "I'm going to make toast and eggs for breakfast."

"Alright, just make scrambled. Easy to eat." Arthur suggested.

Back upstairs, Matthew was washing down his brother's face and neck, trying to cool him down. Alfred's hair was sweat-soaked and his face was scrunched up. Although he relaxed a bit when the cool cloth ran across his face.

"Get better Alfie." Matt muttered.

A few minutes later Alfred's blue eyes opened blearily.

"Alfie? Can you hear me?" Matt asked.

"Mattie?" Alfred croaked.

"I'm right here." Matthew said, grabbing a water bottle that was on the end table.

"Here you go." He said, sitting Alfred up to help him drink it.

Alfred drank it slowly and then laid back down.

"Mattie?" He asked.

"What is it Alfred?" Matt asked.

"Why do you have a fairy on your shoulder?" Al asked.

Matt looked at Alfred, and then to his shoulder. There was nothing there.

"Alfred there isn't anything on my shoulder." Matt said confused.

"Yes there is." Al insisted. "She's right there."

Matt looked at him worriedly. Al was probably having hallucinations. Al was looking around the room with a dopey grin on his face. He put his hand in the air as if to touch something.

"Hello there Mr. Fairy." He said.

"That's it I'm getting Arthur." Matt said getting up.

He, Al and Francis knew that Arthur could see fairies. Hell, even Matt and Al saw them as children, and Francis has a few around his home. Them three would never admit it in front of others though. Matt walked out of the room in search of Arthur. He found him reading a book in the living room.

"Arthur?" Matt asked.

Arthur looked up from his book, "Yes lad?"

"I think Al is hallucinating. He keeps saying that he sees fairies around his room." Matt says.

"Hmm well let's go have a look then." Arthur said, thinking that Alfred was seeing the fairies that lived around his house.

Matthew led him back to Alfred's room. When they opened the door they were greeted by the sight of Alfred out of bed and sitting in the middle of the room. He looked like he was listening to something. Arthur was confused because he didn't see any of his fairy friends around. So Alfred must be hallucinating.

Suddenly Alfred laughed. "That's funny, Fira."

"Who's Fira Alfred?" Arthur asked.

Alfred jumped when he heard the voice.

"Oh, it's my fairy friend. She's a fire fairy." Alfred replies holding up his hand.

"Al there's nothing there." Matt said.

Alfred looked offended, "Of course there is. Why would you say that?"

Alfred stood up and walked back to bed, whispering to his 'empty' hand. He sat back on the bed and proceeded to lay down and fall asleep. Matt and Arthur looked at him in amazement.

"Well he is hallucinating, I didn't see any fairies around." Arthur said.

"Well lets just let him rest for now." Matt said.

A minute later Francis walked upstairs and into Al's room.

"Did I miss something?" He asked.

"Well Alfred is hallucinating from his fever." Arthur told him.

"Lovely, well breakfast is ready so come on and eat." Francis said before walking out of the room.

Matt and Arthur followed suit, but not before taking one last look at Alfred.

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