Chapter 20

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Alfred looked down into his lap while Matt sat closer to him a wrapped his arm around his brother. 

"You don't have to tell us. I shouldn't have asked." Jared said apologetically.

Alfred looked up and took a deep breath, "No it's okay."  

"Take your time." Jensen said, sitting by Jared.

"Well, I guess that some other friends I had were saying things about me. And it really hurt. They would call me fat and a slob and things like that. And I let it get to me. So I started listening to them." Al started.

The rest of the people in the room looked like they were in pain. It was always sad when someone went through this. Believing what others said about them. But it's hard not to most of the time. Alfred was an example of that. 

"So I started to eat less and everyone just kept on saying those mean things. And I just got worse. My family here just found out a few weeks ago and they've been helping me a lot." Alfred said smiling at his family, a tear sliding down his face.

Then Arthur started to speak. "It was a long time ago. I raised this one here." he said patting Al's head, "And eventually he wanted to be an independent person. But I didn't think he was ready. He fought me for it and eventually left. It hurt a lot. It felt like he didn't need me anymore. And, well, it got to be to much and I started hurting myself. I regret that now. But, as Al said, I have my family here to help me now."

There was not a dry eye in the room. Even the super hyper Misha was sitting calmly in his chair. 

Matt looked at everyone and thought of something to say. "But there's good news. Alfred here is eating 3 meals a day again. And Arthur hasn't hurt himself in about 2 months. Things are getting better. Don't look so sad you lumps." (MAMA WE ALL GO TO HELL!!!!! sorry listening to MCR XD)

Everyone looked moderately happier at that. Misha stood up.


Every one laughed and stood up joining his group hug. Everyone was laughing, crying and hugging and it was beautiful. 

Then the door opened.

"Kesesesese. I'm just lettin' ya'll know that the conventions almost over for today. The place closes in about 20 minutes." It was Gilbert. 

Jensen looked up.

"Who are you?"

"I am the Awesome Gilbert Beilschmidt. And I'm these yahoo's friend. And telling them that my brother is busy and  ," he turned to Arthur, " Can I stay with you for the night?"

"Yeah, why not. Well I guess we should go if they're closing."

"Yeah, I hope you all get better." Jared said smiling.

"Thanks." Alfred said, grinning back.

"You were really fun to play with. Maybe, maybe, we can do this again." Misha said.

"That would be really fun." Francis smiled.

"Alright, Alright, Come on we gotta go." Jensen said. 

They all headed out of the room and said one last goodbye before parting their separate ways.

"Did you have a good day boys?" Arthur asked.

"THE BEST EVER!!!!" Alfred and Matthew screamed together.

Francis laughed. "I'm glad you liked it."


"It took a lot of planning for this to happen." Arthur said.

"Thank you Artie." Al said, hugging him. 

"Oh your welcome. And don't call me Artie!" 

Alfred laughed and ran out of the front doors and to the car. Arthur chased after him, screaming about not calling him Artie (gif). Francis, Matt and Gilbert just followed laughing at the childish antics. 

Finally they were all at the car and getting in. 

"Come on I'm tired. I wanna sleep." Arthur whined.

"Were going were going." Francis said, starting the car and pulling out of the parking lot.

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