Chapter 2

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Alfred pulled up in his driveway and turned the car off. He got out and grabbed his backpack and keys and headed to the front door. He unlocked the door and walked in. Dropping his backpack on the floor he headed to his room. After grabbing his footie pajamas, yes adult sized footie pajamas, he went to the bathroom and took a hot shower. When he was done we walked to the kitchen, looked around and sighed.

There wasn't much in the fridge and the pantry was only 1/3 full. He needed to go to the store.

"For Mattie." He said.

He walked out of the house and to his car, starting it up again. He'd go to Walmart, no one would suspect a thing. He pulled into the parking lot and got out. Walking into Walmart, he got some looks but not many. He went around getting the food he so desperately needed. A half hour later he was done and heading home.

Opening the front door with his foot, he walked in putting the groceries in the kitchen and started sorting it out. In the end the fridge was full and the pantry was at least 1/2 full now. He looked at the clock, 6:47. He needed to eat something. Going to the fridge he pulled out some spread butter and Velveeta cheese. He was having grilled cheese. A small one, mind you.

He cut a piece of bread in half and covered one side of each in butter. Putting them on the pan he got the cheese slices and put them. Then he waited till the bread was done and flipped it onto the cheese and let the cheese melt. When that was done he flipped it onto a plate and sat at the table. He stared at the sandwich and looked at it. He sighed and picked it up taking a bite. It was then that he realized how hungry he was. But he controlled himself this time and ate it slowly. His thoughts were on his family and how he had to get better for them. Halfway through his phone rang.

"Hello?" He said, picking it up.

"Hey, bro." it was Matthew.

"Hey, whats up?" Alfred asked.

"I called to let you know that I'll be stuck in Canada doing work and stuff for about 2 weeks." Matt said.

"Awww, well, I guess I'll see you then." Alfred said, taking another bite of his sandwich.

"You'll be okay right?" his brother asked worriedly.

"I'll be fine Matt." Al reassured him.

"I'm holding you to that. Alright I have to go. I'll talk to you later." Matt said.

"Bye." Al said, hanging up.

He put his phone down and put the last bit of sandwich in his mouth and swallowed. He had forgotten how it tasted. He'd stopped eating these months ago. It was like liquid, golden heaven.

He stood up and put his plate in the sink, leaving it for later. He then went to the living room to watch a movie. He needed distractions if he was gonna be alright. He ended up putting in the Avengers and watching it for like the 50 millionth time. And like always, he ended up screaming and cheering them on while standing on the couch and cursing Loki's name. It was around 10 o'clock when his phone rang again.


"Hello Alfred." it was his boss.

"Oh, sup Obama."

"You need to come to DC for the next week. I need you here for meetings." Mr. President said.

"Awww, really?" Al asked.

"Yes Alfred. Preferably tomorrow." He said.

"Fine, I'll be there around noon tomorrow," Alfred agreed.

"Thank you," his boss hung up.

Alfred sighed and got up and packed his suitcase for the next week. When he was done he went and laid down trying to go to sleep. He was gonna drive there, it wasn't to far away. He turned over trying to get comfortable and shut his eyes.

He drifted off into a dreamless sleep.



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