Chapter 10

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Arthur sat in the chair across from the couch, where the boys were currently residing.

"They're quite cute this way aren't they." Francis said coming in.

"Yeah, they are." Arthur said, "Do you think we'll be alright?"

"We'll be fine. It will take time, but we'll get through it." Francis assured him.

Arthur nodded. The two sat there in comfortable silence. It was a while later before anything happened. Alfred groaned and shifted in Matt's embrace. Arthur looked up from the book he was reading. 


Alfred didn't respond. He shifted out of Matt's grip and stood up slowly. His eyes were open but they were glazed over, not seeing. 

Arthur and Francis stood up and approached him slowly. Alfred took no notice of them and started walking out of the room. Arthur looked to Francis.

"I think he's sleepwalking." Francis said.

Arthur nodded and went after him. Francis stayed behind in case Matt woke up or started sleepwalking too.

Arthur walked out of the room but didn't see Alfred anywhere. He walked into the kitchen, no Al. He walked out and headed towards the front of the house. Alfred wan't by the front door. Arthur continued searching. He wasn't on the ground floor anywhere. He headed upstairs. He looked in his and Francis's room and Matt's but nothing. He wasn't in the bathroom either. Last was Alfred's room. He approached the door and opened it. Inside Alfred was huddled in the corner, knees drawn to his chest. Arthur swiftly walked over.


"Stop, don't laugh." Alfred said quietly.

"I'm not laughing at you." Arthur said.

"Stop please." 

"Alfred." Arthur said, worried.

Arthur looked at Alfred, whose head was buried in his knees.

"Lad, pick up your head. Can you look at me?"

Slowly Alfred looked at Arthur, tears were streaming down his face. "Don't laugh at me no more, please." 

Arthur pulled Alfred into a hug. "No one's laughing at you here. It's just me, Matt and Francis here. We just want to help."

Alfred just hugged him, then suddenly his body went limp and his eyes closed.

"Alfred?!" Arthur said, a bit scared.

Alfred didn't reply. By the steady rise and fall of his chest, he was back asleep. Arthur sighed and stood up with Alfred in his arms. Slowly he walked out of the room and down stairs, back into the living room. Francis was sitting there, and Matt was still asleep. His hand moving around, looking for his brother. Arthur set Alfred down by Matt and they instantly latched onto each other. 

"Did anything happen?" Francis asked.

"Well he thought we were laughing at him, he was sitting in a corner, crying." Arthur said sadly.

"We would never laugh at him." Francis said.

"I told him that and then he fell back asleep." Arthur said.

Once again they lapsed into silence and watched the boys. It was about an hour later when Matt stirred. Francis and Arthur watched in case he was sleepwalking too. Matt sat up and rubbed his eyes. 

"Hey, what time is it?" he asked sleepily.

Francis looked at the clock, "12:23."

Matthew nodded and looked at Alfred, who was still sleeping peacefully.

"Did you know that Alfred sleepwalks?" Arthur asked.

"Yeah I did, he's done it since WWII." Matthew said.

Arthur and Francis nodded.

"Well it's time for lunch." Arthur said, standing up. "How does grilled cheese sound?"

"Good." Matt and Francis said.

Arthur nodded and headed into the kitchen. He didn't need to be nervous around his family.

"What did Alfred do?" Matt asked.

"Well according to Arthur, he went up to his room, huddled in a corner and started crying. Arthur went in and Alfred kept asking for them to stop laughing at him." Francis explained. 

"Poor Al." Matt said stroking Al's hair.

Al shifted under the touch and slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes.

Matt looked at him, "You did it again."

Alfred groaned, "I thought it had stopped, hasn't happened for a year or two now."

Matt shrugged.

"Arthur's making grilled cheese for lunch." Francis said.

Alfred nodded and flopped backwards and yawned. "I hate jet lag."

Matt and Francis laughed, "It's a pain."

"LUNCH!" Arthur called from the kitchen.

The three stood up and walked into the kitchen for their lunch. 

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