Chapter 15

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The three ran through the ER doors, Alfred in Francis's arms.

"HELP, WE NEED HELP!" Matthew yelled.

Immediately nurses were at their side taking Alfred from Francis and putting him on a gurney. Matthew tried to follow them but Arthur held him back.

"You can't go back there lad." he said.

Matthew nodded.

The three of them quietly walked over to the waiting room waiting for news on Alfred.

"He will be okay right?" Matthew asked quietly.

Francis and Arthur looked at each other. They knew the boys loved each other a lot. Matthew would be heart broken if something happened to Alfred and vice versa. 

"I'm sure he'll be fine Matthew." Francis says.

"Yeah your right papa." Matthew sighed.

They sat there quietly for a few minutes before Matthew's eyes widen.

"What are they going to do when they see how skinny he is?"

Arthur and Francis's eyes widened a bit. They hadn't thought of that.

"I don't know lad." Arthur said honestly.

"They won't take him away will they?" Matthew asked, panicking slightly.

Francis was quick to assure him, "They won't take him away Matthew we'll make sure of that." 

Matthew nodded, then winced.

"What is it?" Francis asks concerned.

Matthew looks down at his arm to see some of the blisters had popped and it was bleeding a bit.

"I completely forgot about this." He said, staring at it.

Arthur and Francis took one look at his arm before Arthur shot up and got a nurse. A minute later she was leading Matthew away so they could take care of his burned arm.

"Well this had been an exciting day." Arthur sighed.

Francis nodded.

_______________________LE MAGICAL TIME SKIP__________________________

It was two hours before they heard anything on Alfred. Matt had come back about 45 minutes after the nurse took him back. He had his arm wrapped up and in a sling with instructions to rest it and come back in a week for a check up.

"Family of Alfred F. Jones?" the doctor said.

Matt, Arthur and Francis stood up and walked over.

"How is he?" Matt asked immediately.

"Well, we got his fever down to 101.5. When you brought him in it was at 105.7. Probably why he had that seizure before you brought him. Anything above 105 degrees is in danger of seizures. He's sleeping right now." the doctor said.

"Can we see him?" Arthur asked.

The doctor nodded and led them to Alfred's room.

"Here you go. Press the call button if anything changes or he wakes up." the doctor said.

Francis nodded and they headed into the room.

Matthew went immediately to Alfred's side. Arthur at his side and Francis on the other side of the bed.

"Alfie. Why didn't you tell us you were getting worse? Look where it got us." Matthew sighed.

They sat there for about 15 minutes before anything happened.

Matthew was holding Al's hand willing him to wake up when Al groaned.

"Alfred? Lad?" Arthur asked getting closer.

Slowly but surely Alfred opened his eyes. He looked around and saw his family looking down at him worriedly.

"Where're'we?" he slurred sleepily.

"Your in the hospital." Francis said.


"You had a seizure. Your body got too hot and shut down." Matthew said, "Had me worried sick."

"S'rry M'ttie." he says.

Matthew sighs and hugs Alfred. Arthur walks over to the call button and pushes it. 

A few minutes latter a nurse wakes in.

"Hey sweetie, I see your awake. How you feeling?" She asks.

"Sleepy and sick." Alfred replies.

She chuckles, "Well, you did just wake up, and you still have a fever. Let's see if it's gone down, shall we."

She took out the thermometer and put it in Alfred's mouth.  A minute later she takes it out and checks it.

"Good news. It's gone down to 100.3." She announces.

"When can he come home?" Arthur asks.

"Sorry hun, you need to ask the doctor that. I can get him for you if you'd like." she offers.

"That would be great thanks." Arthur says.

The nurse nods and walks out of the room. 

"Still sleepy?" Matthew asks.

Alfred nods.

"Go to sleep then, we'll be here when you wake up." Matthew says.

Alfred nods and closes his eyes, asleep in seconds.

A minute later the doctor walks in.

"What can I help you with?" he asks.

"Whey can he go home?" Arthur asks.

"Well, if his fever goes down to at the highest 99.4 by tomorrow morning, he can be at home tomorrow afternoon." the doctor says.

"Thanks doc."

"There is one thing I need to talk to you about though." the doctor says.

"And what would that be?" Francis says.

"We noticed that Alfred was very small and underweight for his age." he said.

The three sigh, "We know, he's been getting better these past few weeks." Arthur says.

"Well that's good to hear. I never like making people stay in the hospital for these things." the doctor says.

"He can still come home tomorrow though right?" Matthew asks nervously.

"Of course he can. Just bring him back next week for a check up." the doctor says.

Matthew sighs in relief.

"I'll leave you guys alone now. Call button if anything changes." The doctor says as he leaves the room.

"See Matthew, we told you everything would be okay." Arthur said, patting Matt's shoulder.

Matthew nodded and held Alfred's hand, waiting for him to get better.

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