Chapter 29

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The next day, Alfred was woken up by a phone call. He groggily rolled over and reached for his phone.

"'lo?" he said sleepily.

"Alfred! Where have you been!?" A voice shouted at him.

He woke up a bit more at that. "I'm sorry. Who is this?"

There was a sigh, "Your boss."

Alfred shot awake and sat up. "What do you need?"

"I need you to come back to the states. I know you said you were visiting family but it's been at least three months now. There is meetings and things you need to do here." his boss said.

Alfred sighed, he wasn't ready to go back. "Is there any possible way I can stay a bit longer?"

"I'm sorry Alfred, but there's not you have till Thursday to get back here in the States." his boss said, hanging up.

Alfred dropped his phone and put his head in his hands. He didn't want to go back. Sometimes he wished he wasn't a country. He wished that he could grow old, have a normal life, and eventually die of old age. But he couldn't change what he was, and he was going to make the best of it.

Sighing he stood up and got dressed. He had two days to be back in the states. He grabbed his suitcase and packed about two weeks worth of clothes and anything else he would need. Around 11:45, someone knocked on his door.

"Who is it?" He called out, throwing a shirt in his bag.

"It's Matthew, want to go to the hospital?" 

"Sorry, I can't. I have things I need to do." Alfred said, starting to make the bed. 

"You sure?" Matt called through the door.

"Yeah. Maybe I'll stop by later." Alfred said.

"Alright, see you later." Matt said.

Alfred heard footsteps walking away. He continued to clean the room. He left some of his stuff as he was planning on returning for Christmas, weather his boss liked it or not. When all this was done, he went to the office down the hall and logged onto the computer. He went to his usual airline website and bought a plane ticked for that night. The sooner he left, the sooner he got back.

He printed out his ticket. The flight left at 7:00 PM and would arrive in DC at around 4:30 PM. Time differences were confusing. He had six and a half hours to kill. He went downstairs and watched some Supernatural, crying at all the sad parts, laughing at the inappropriate jokes. Around 2:30 he left the house and headed for the hospital.

When he got there he went strait for Arthur's room. He was greeted by a talking Francis and Matthew.

"Sup." Al said, sitting in a chair.

"Heeeeeey." Matthew said, "What's up?" 

Alfred sighed, "I'm going back to the states." 

It was better to just say it than beat around the bush. Francis and Mathew choked.

"What!?" Matt almost yelled.

"Why are you leaving?" Francis asked.

"My boss called this morning and said I needed to come back and I had two days to get there. I got a flight for tonight and I go into work tomorrow morning. Hopefully I'll be back in about a week and a half." Alfred explained.

Matthew looked down sadly. "You're sure you can't stay longer?"

"I asked, and there's no way." Alfred said.

"Well if you have to go, you have to go." Francis said.

"I'll be back as soon as I can. And when Arthur wakes up, tell him to Skype me somehow." Alfred said.

"Will do. And since you're leaving, were having a day out." Matthew said, standing up and grabbing Al's arm.

"Where are you going?" Francis asked.

"To a mall." Matt said, "We'll be back later."

Matt dragged Al out of the hospital and they went to a mall. They spent two hours roaming around different stores and bought candy and coffee. The last store they went to was Hot Topic.

"Let's go!" Alfred yelled.

They ran into the 'most amazing store on planet Earth' and raided it.

They both got five shirts (hehehe ya'll ain't figuring out what's on them till later XD), some rubber bracelets (Because they're manly according to Alfred), some Funko Pop dolls (best things in the world), and a few other necessary fandom items. When they paid for their things, they left the mall and went home to drop off any and all purchases.

Matt's phone buzzed.

'Francis: coming home boys, visiting hours ended early today for some reason.'

"Papa's coming home now so we can hang out and watch Netflix." Matt said.

"I have to leave in an hour." Alfred said.

"Awww at least wait till papa gets home." Matt whined.

"Fine." Al said.

Just as he said that Francis walked in the door.

"Al is leaving in an hour!" Matt yelled.

"The day went by fast didn't it. Let's have an early dinner of sandwiches and Al can go to his flight." Francis said.

They did just that. When they finished, Al said goodbye, got a taxi and went off to the airport to go back to the states.


I've been wondering. How old do you all think I am? AND NO ANSWERING FOR ANYONE WHO KNOWS ME *looks at editor and Emily* you know who you are. 

GUESSING GAME!!! The next chapter is dedicated to anyone who can guess right!!!!

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