Chapter 33

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Alfred sighed as he entered his boss's office that Friday. Hopefully he was able to go back to London now, as Christmas was in three days. 

"You wanted to see me, Sir?" He asked.

His boss looked up and smiled. "I did, why don't you sit down."

Alfred nodded and sat in the chair across from his boss.

"You have been working very hard these past two weeks."

Alfred nodded, "The faster I got it done, the faster I could go back to London."

His boss smiled, "Well I'm the bringer of good news, all your work is done and you're free to go."

Alfred's face broke into a smile, "Thank you, Sir."

"Now go on and get a flight and go home and pack," his boss said.

Alfred nodded and shot out of the chair and ran out of the room. He hurried his way out of the White House and to his car and went to his apartment. He logged onto his laptop and called up Mattie.

"Alfred?" Matt asked as he answered the call.

"Guess what?" Alfred said, with a fake sad face.

"What is it Alfred?" Matt asked, getting worried.

"Can you get Francis and Arthur if they're there?" Al asked.

Matt nodded and left to get the other two. Alfred let out a small giggle and quickly composed himself as they came back.

"Is something wrong Alfred?" Francis asked.

"Guess what?" Alfred said, again.

"What is it lad?" Arthur asked.

Alfred grinned, "I'M COMING BACK!!!!" 

The three's faces broke into huge smiles and they cheered.

"Don't do that again you idiot! You had me worried!" Matt yelled.

"Sorry Mattie. I should be there tomorrow night or Sunday morning. Right in time for Christmas. Oh! Is Allistor still there?" Alfred said.

Francis face-palmed and yelled, "ALLISTOR! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!"

"I'M COMING!" came the Scottish reply. 

There was thudding down the stairs before Alfred realized that they were back at the house.

"When did you guys get back there?" he asked.

"I was discharged two days ago. We tried to call you but you didn't pick up." Arthur said.

"Sorry, I was probably in another meeting." Alfred said.

"ALFRED!" came Allistor's voice.


"DON'T CALL ME THAT! How you been?" Allistor asked.

"Great, And I'm coming back to London." Alfred told him.

"Finally boy, it's been two weeks. I didn't have a prank buddy." 

"Don't worry I should be there tomorrow night." Alfred said.


"I should go pack and book a flight. See ya'll tomorrow!" Alfred said.

"BYE!" the others yelled and hung up. 

Alfred spent the next three hours packing and booking a flight for the next day at  six in the morning. The flight was six and a half hours long, plus a four hour time difference, he would be in London at four-thirty. He texted this to Arthur, then went to the kitchen to make a sandwich. After the last call with his brother, he really tired hard to eat dinner after he came home and sometimes he would have lunch. He was successful most days, except when he was absolutely exhausted and fell asleep on the couch that one night.

After his sandwich he double checked he had everything packed and went to bed after setting his alarm for four-thirty in the morning.

_____________________---LE MAGICAL TIME SKIP---___________________________


Alfred jolted up and slapped the alarm clock. He sighed and rolled out of bed, knowing if he laid back down he would fall asleep again. He brushed his teeth and did any other thing he needed too and grabbed an apple and headed out of his apartment.

He got into his rental car and drove to the airport. 

The next forty-five minutes were spent going through security and other things. When he got to his gate, he set his stuff down and went to the nearest coffee shop. Which so happened to be Starbucks. He ordered the largest coffee he could and paid the five dollars. He didn't care, he needed coffee. When he got his coffee he thanked the lady, and walked back to his gate. 

Finally at five-forty five, his flight was called and he boarded the plane. He went to his seat, got strapped in and put in his headphones, getting ready for the six hour flight.

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