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[Chapter Two]

I was shoved lightly into the side of my locker.

"Ouch f-" I turned around to see Dan.

"Oh for bloody hell, LEAVE ME ALONE!" I scream in his face.

He just stares at me in shock.

"Well, why are you crying?" Why the fuck does he care? I'm crying because my mother is dying and I'm constantly being bullied.

"Why do you care" I huffed.

"Because I do" I rolled my eyes and shut my locker.

"Wait, Aubrey I-"

"Save it, asshole" I brushed him off and darted toward science class.

Oh fuck.

He's in my science class.

That wouldn't be much of a problem if he wasn't seated beside me.

I walk in the room to see Dan already here. I roll my eyes and plop next to him.

"Sup, dumb hoe" He spits. I ignore him and open my text book and start working.

He soon starts tapping my leg constantly kicking it.

"Maybe I'll do it" I said to myself moving my chair down.

"Do what?" He asks in a mean tone.

"Fuck off" I roll my eyes and continues writing.

"Fucker" He mumbles.

I was doing some work, when I saw a boy walk into the class room.

"Class! This is Luke, he will be in this class for the rest of the year!" She cheers. Wow he's gorg-no I can't, but wow.

"Hey" He sits beside me, me blushing.

"Whats your name love?" He asks, I glance over to see Dan glaring at him.

"Oh I'm Aubrey" He was about to say something else when, "She's trying to work? Hello! Piss off!" Dan spat, as Luke gets up.

"No wait I-" I stopped talking and ducked my head down.

"Fuck you Dan"

"You wish, slut."


I slam my head on the desk starring at my feet until the bell rings. I swear Dan was about to say something but I got up to fast and left.

I ran out the door in tears. Why! Why does he have to fuck everything up.

I run to my spot and hide from everyone, thinking about well um my life.

[Zoe's P.O.V]

"Guys!" I run in the cafeteria sitting with everyone.

"Sup Zoe?" Shane asks.

"Aubrey's missing!" I scream.

"WHAT!" They all say.

"I can't find her anywhere! I-I" I started to tear up knowing she was a bit iffy with depression, I was worried.

Tyler and everyone got up and started running around the school. I gripped onto Tyler and Troye and we headed to the lockers.

"He hoe! and you" Dan says.

"Fuck off ya rat" Tyler says storming off with Troye.

"What the fuck are you even doing?" He asks me.

"Hmm, um looking for my best friend.?" I say sternly.

"What? Aubrey? What um erm happened?" He asked looking concerned. What.

"She's missing and we're trying to find her before she does something she'll regret!" I state.

"What do you mean, 'do something she'll regret'?" He quotes.

"You should know. You're such an asshole Dan! Wait, why do you look guilty!" I ask him with worry.

"I um may have told her to kill herself and during Science she said, 'maybe I will'" Expression leaves my face and I turn pale.

"Aubrey's going to commit suicide" I whispered.

Dan stood there in shock.

"Fuck you Dan" I yell before running off.

[Aubrey's P.O.V]

I sit in the small under room below the stairs and sat there with a pocket knife. I held it to my neck but hesitated to drag.

I suddenly heard my name being called.

But it wasn't from my was from Dan.

I finally decided what I wanted. I got up and crawled out from the little room and walked along the locker corridor.

I wanted to be with my mum.

I held the small knife in front of me and directed it toward my stomach. Yes. I was standing in the middle of the hallway.

I suddenly heard footsteps from both directions. I turned my head to see all my friends rush after me.

"NO STOP AUBREY NO!" Tyler and Zoe scream.

"AUBREY NO PLEASE, STOP LOVE!" Everyone else screams.

I then felt someone grab the knife from my hand and pull me aside.


"Aubrey don't, please listen to me!" He says shaking me.

I suddenly snap out of it and lunge at the knife.

"NO!" He screams pushing it away, but I managed to get up.

I grabbed the knife and was about to stab myself when, I felt lips touch mine. But they weren't just any lips. They were Dan's lips.

I dropped the knife and stood there in shock but realized the situation.

Dan Howell kissed me.


I pushed him off lightly, backing away starring at everyone who looked at me like I'd actually done it.

Dan stares at me then runs off, a part of my wanted to stop him but another wanted to to leave.

"Oh my lord" Tyler says crying, "Aubrey love, why!" Zoe cries pulling me into a hug.

I suddenly felt everyone's around me. But I wanted something else. Not that I wasn't thank full for these best friends but I was craving something else.

I wanted Dan.

𝐛𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝑫𝒂𝒏 𝑯𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒍𝒍 | 𝐚𝐮Where stories live. Discover now