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[Chapter Three]

After my suicide attempt I was taken back to my home. I was lying on my bed, alone. But I couldn't get something out of my head.

Dan Howell.

My bully.

Kissed me.

And I liked it. I like him.

Wait no, no I don't. But yes I do.

I do.

I like Dan Howell.

I lay on my bed for a few hours trying to get things out of my head. Suicide had never popped into my mind until yesterdays act.

I hope no one hates me. I just want them to understand.

I heard a soft knock on the door.

And yes, my mother passed away yesterday and I was a mess. I cried for hours on end until I pass out due to stress. I loved my mother, and always will. She was such a kinda woman and she was the best friend I ever had.

Now that she's gone I've been more depressed and well, parentless.

But they informed me that my Nana and Papa will be taking care of me. They are too amazing people, and quite young actually. My nans about 58 and my paps is around 62. So I wasn't loosing them anytime soon. I hope.

I got up to answer the door and to my surprise it was Zoe and Tyler.

"Oh Aubrey!" Tyler says bringing me in for a hug.

"Tyler, Zoe! I um-just wanted to say sorry! I- just come in and take a seat" I say giving them both hugs.

"We are so sorry about your mum Auby" they mourned.

"It's alright, she's in a better place" They smiled, "but I wanted to tell you guys something" They nod.

"I'm sorry. I am so so sorry. I was so depressed yesterday that I wanted to end it. End it all. But what I didn't realize that I would be leaving too early, I would be leaving you guys behind!" I choked "I love you guys so much, you guys are like brother and sister to me" I started to cry as I saw Tyler wipe a tear.

"Aubrey we aren't mad, we would've felt the same way. Between your mum and Dan! We love you so much!" They said giving me a group hug.

"Now, in all seriousness, where are you living?" Tyler asks.

"Well I'm staying alone here for a few days until my Nan and Pap fly in from America.

They smile and smirk.

"That means you have this place to yourself?" Tyler asks seductively.

Zoe and I laugh. "Yes Tyler it does" I giggle.


"Um Tyler. Tomorrow's Wednesday." Zoe gags, me trying not to die laughing.

"Oh fuck, well whatever. Can we stay with you?" They both ask.

"Like what? Constant sleepovers until my Nan and Pap get here?" They both giggle.

"Hell ya!" Tyler screams dancing around.

"Can Troye stay too?" Tyler suddenly blurts out.

Zoe and I look at each other and squeal.

"YOU LIKE HIM OH MY GOD!" I squeal in happiness. Tyler turns bright red.

"PFF NO! Okay yes, so can he?" I laugh and jump around.

"Yes of course he can!" Tyler squeaks before contacting Troye who immediately replied and is on his way.

Now this was going to be fun.

After a while of looking through movies we all agreed on Insidious. Oh goodness. I hated scary movies but this was a time with my friend family and I didn't want to ruin it.

We then heard a knock on the door and Tyler squeaked. "I NEED TO FIX MY HAIR" He whispers dramatically.

I laugh and run to the door.

I open it and give Troye the biggest hug ever.

"Wow!" He says giggling.

"I know, it was a sorry hug" He mouths, 'its okay' while walking into the living room.

"Hey guys" He says plopping next to Tyler.

~Le Time Skip~

During the 10 minute mark in the movie I was hiding under the blanket. I was mortified oh god.

A few minutes later Zoe realized me hiding under the covers doesn't indicate fun so she switched it off. Also because it was like 12:30.

I had pulled the sofa out to make a bed and I gave Zoe the guest room. I hugged her goodnight and told everyone to make themselves at home and don't be afraid to grab a drink or food.

I got changed into my pj's and lay down in my bed. I soon felt my eyelids get heavy and shut for the night.

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