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[Chapter Nine]

We arrived at my flat and we all crashed onto the couch.

"Troye?" I ask.


"Did my Nan and Pap tell you when they were coming?" He scrolls down on his phone.

"Um no, they just said their flight was delayed and they wont be here for a while, soooo you're kinda stuck with us!" He cheers.

I smile and hug the blanket.

"So whats for dinner" Tyler asks walking into the kitchen.

"Take out?" Zoe suggests. We all agree and phone up a Greek restaurant.

"They'll be here in 20" She says before hanging up.

"Oh yea, guys" They all look to me.

"Dan asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes" I cheered.

"Awe love I'm so happy for you!" Tyler sings.

"He's so much nicer now" I say starring into space.

"Yea I've noticed" Zoe laughs turning on the T.V.

After about 15 minutes of Walking Dead reruns we heard the buzz to my flat.

"Hello?" I call in.

"Hi, um delivery?" I nod.

"One sec" I press unlock and the boy walks up.

"Here ya go, have a good one" I nod and shut the door.

"FOOD!" Tyler screams jumping at me.

I squeal and run away.

"Oh no bitch!" He sasses, throwing his hands at me to grab the food.

"TYLER" I laugh pulling the boxes away.

"Tyler let us get plates!!" Zoe says bringing over plates.

"Few" He says digging into his meal.

"SEASON 6 OF THE WALKING DEAD, I'M SCREAMING!" Tyler and Troye announce, happily dancing with food in their mouths.

Zoe and I just giggle.

"So guys, tomorrow is Friday and I wanted to invite everyone over for movies and stuff" I suggest.

Tyler scratches his chin whilst Troye happily nods.

"Sure why not"

We all cheer and finish out food.

By the time we finished food and twenty minutes arguing on 90210, we ended up crashing on the sofas.

I wake up and check the time 8:04 am.


"Guys!" I yell.

No answer.

"Guys?" I say a bit more timid and confused.

I stumbled into the kitchen to check my phone.

From - Zoe ♥︎

Hey Aubrey, we had to go to school. Remember what your nan and pap said. Anyway we told people about tonight, even Dan. He's super worried about you. And him Troye and Tyler got along surprisingly well in first block, Dan wouldn't stop talking about you. Anyway gtg luv you girl:)


I smile down at my phone and quickly reply,

To - Zoe ♥︎

Thanks b I'll see you after school, what time is everyone coming over? Talk to you soon, byee

I press send and plop on the couch. I spent an hour watching T.V before I got another text,

From - Dan<3

Hey love, are you alright? Sorry for not being there when you got hurt, I had to go to class! Anyway I'll see you tonight

I smiled and replied,

To - Dan<3

I'm alright, thnx. And it's fine. See you!

I then decided to clean up my room and the kitchen and look over my food. Fuck. I have nothing, I need to run to the store.

I decided to run out to Tesco and buy a bunch of chips. I bought like 10 bags.

I stuffed them in my car and drove over to starbucks. I used to work there so my old co worker, Anna gives a discount whenever I go there.

"Hey Aubrey!" She sings cheerfully.

"Hey Anna, um" I pause, Tyler likes the smore frap and Troye likes the weird green tea frap and Zoe and I like the cotton candy frap.

"Okay one grande smore frap and one green tea frap. And two cotton candy fraps please" She nods and I hand her my gift card.

"Thank you" I say before grabbing the drink tray and walking out.

By then it was 2:30 and school just ended. I rushed back to the flat and set up blankets and pillows in the living room. I lay out all the chips and drinks on the kitchen island and set the starbucks down as a surprise.

"AUBREY WE'RE BACK BITCH!!" Tyler says plopping on the blankets.

"Hey guys" I say watching them plop onto the couch in exhaustion.

"You guys tired?" I ask, Tyler huffs.

"NOT TO MENTION HOT!" He scoffs, I giggle.

"I bought you guys something" I bring out the starbucks.

"OH MY- YOU DIDN'T, AUBREY YOU'RE THE BEST!" They all scream lunging at their drinks.

All I heard were constant thank yous and you're awesomes.

"Whens everyone coming over?" I ask.

"Oh around 7" Zoe replies, sipping her drink.

Tonight was gonna be crazy.

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