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[Two Weeks Later] Aubrey's P.O.V

I sat on our couch in the living room catching up on some TV while eating some waffles Zoe had prepared for me.

It had been amazing these last two weeks, no one trying to kill us and life was pretty darn good.

I just finished my meal and put it by the sink. Troye, Tyler and Zoe were out for the day running errands and catching up with some friends from school. Luckily our school had a small break before summer started so we were off.

I pulled my phone out and texted Dan asking if he wanted to come over.

Placing my phone back on the table a knock sounded on the door. Startled, I squeal but proceed to answer the door anyway.

I unlock the door and swing it open to reveal a girl with long blond hair while wearing a very revealing outfit.

"AUBREY!" Tana squeals, giving me a very tight hug.

"Oh my god, hi! What are you doing here?" I ask as we pull apart.

"Well I flew here to visit some friends I met at VidCon so I decided to swing by!" She exclaims setting her purse on the small table by the door.

"Well you're welcome to stay, I just had breakfast but I can make you something if you-", "No, no I'm fine, I just ate anyway" She smiles sweetly at me.

"Okay, well how long are you here for?" I say plopping myself back into my 'browsing position'.

"About a week and a bit?" She answers, slightly unsure.

I nod, grabbing my phone to check my messages.

From Dan:

hey beautiful, I'm just chilling with the boys rn maybe tomorrow? :)

I smiled and replied,

To Dan:

sure sounds good, Tana's just shown up so I've got company:) have fun!

I pressed send and placed it down on the table.

2 hours go by and Tana and I have caught up. We talked all about the drama in each others lives and my recent events earlier this month.

We were in the middle of starting a movie when Tyler, Shane and Joey walk through the door.

An excited gasp leaves my lips as I see Shane and Joey, I hop out of my spot on the couch and run up the the two boys.

"Hey guys!" I exclaim hugging them both.

"Well hi to you too, Aubrey" Tyler scoffs, being his petty self.

I roll my eyes and continue greeting the boys.

"We were told on the drive here everything that happened" Shane says taking a sip of tea. Joey nods along, grabbing a cookie from the bag Tyler bought earlier today.

"Yea, I rather not do that again" I joke shrugging my shoulders.

Tana walks over and yawns, it's obvious the day has worn her out.

"Do you want to stay overnight?" I ask, rubbing her shoulder.

"I would love to but my hotel is already booked" She says with a frown. I nod, putting her number into my phone to stay in contact. I then gave her a hug as she grabs her purse and heads out the door.

I sigh, grabbing a cup and filling it with water.

"Where's Dan?" Tyler asks.

"He's out with his friends today" I said with a smile.

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