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[Chapter Sixteen]

[Tyler's P.O.V]

"You don't know what happened. Do you?" Troye says.

"Um I-uh no..." Dan stutters, obviously nervous.

"Ok, so I guess since Joey and Shane are here too we might as well tell them. So Aubrey was 15 when she had her first boyfriend, Jake. He was really cool and we had a lot in common. He was one of our really good friends aside from being Aubrey's boyfriend. One night Troye and I were lounging on the couch when we got a phone call from Aubrey." I pause. 

"What happened!?" Dan says.

"We got a phone call from Aubrey around 12:30 pm. I went to answer it and when I did all I heard were strangled whimpers and screams coming from the other end." I sigh, "I panicked and grabbed Troye off the couch and drove to Jake's flat. When we arrived the door was unlocked and we barged in. We heard cries and screams from his room so we busted up the stairs and knocked down the door." I pause and cover my mouth.

"TYLER! What happened! I need to know!" Dan yelps.

"We saw the most horrific sight we will ever see. Jake had Aubrey tied up to the bed, raping her and using a whip to create long wounds across her body, we ran up to him and tackled him to the ground. We untied Aubrey and took her home after calling the police. Jake was taken away, never to be seen again. After that Aubrey never fell for a guy, until she met you. And you know you bullied her so she gave up. But you confessed your love to her and you're the first boy Aubrey's loved since Jake." I finish, sighing.

"Oh my god. I wish I knew" Dan sighed.

"Dan it's not your fault, you didn't know. Just make sure she's ready, but for now you need to find her, like quick!"

Dan nods and immediately bolts out the door.

[Aubrey's P.O.V]

I sat on the cold bus bench, holding my knees to my chest. I can't, I really can't. Jake took advantage of me. I can't do this again. But I love Dan. I want to have a serious relationship with Dan.

I thought this while letting tears drip from my face.

I just don't want it happening again.

"AUBREY!" I hear from behind me.

"Aubrey oh my god you scared me to death! Please don't ever run away like that! I love you too much baby girl" Dan says picking me up off the bench.

"Dan I-" He cut me off, "I know what happened with Jake. I would never, ever do that to you. You're so amazing Aubrey I will take extremely good care of you! If I ever saw Jake I would beat him to death! I want to make love to you, under your consent. I love you Aubrey" He says putting me down.

"Awe Dan I'm so sorry I didn't tell you!" I say wrapping my arms around his neck, connecting my lips with his.

"I love you too" I whisper against his soft lips.

We walked home and went into the living room.

"Um hi" I whisper, Tyler and Troye shooting up at me.

"Aubrey!" They say giving me a hug. "Please talk to us next time" They say giving me hugs and kisses.

"I will" I whisper huddling up next to Dan.

~Le Time Skip~

The next morning was school. A bloody Wednesday. I sigh and roll out of bed. Well, Dan must've gone home while I was asleep.

I got up and grabbed some grey sweatpants and a black tank top. Only a week and a half before living a free life with my best friends and boyfriend.

The doctor called us telling us that Zoe is doing well and that she can return home soon. I felt so much better today, minus the fact I have a class with Bianca today. Bloody hell.

It was the usual, I got up, got ready, ate breakfast, walked to school with my best-friend's, groaned once we got there and split up.

We said our goodbyes and walked to our separate classes. I have a free block so I don't have anywhere to be. I walked up to my locker and punched in the code.

"Ha, look who's back! Skanky bitch that's who!" I hear from behind.

I close my locker and turn around in annoyance.

"Bianca, fuck off" I groan as her face straightens out.

"Bitch you stole my man! Dan is mine! Back off or else" Before my lips could even move, my head was smacked against the locker. I felt a familiar liquid drip down my head as I get up.

I find my balance and run toward the nurse's office, not caring about the 'Ha whore''s being yelled from behind me.

I enter the office and run toward the desk.

"Aubrey Jones! You are in here almost everyday!" The secretary says, getting up.

"I'll get nurse Paige for you" She says walking off.

I sat down on one of the chairs and rubbed my head. I looked out the door window to see someone who stopped my breathing.

What the fuck is Jake doing here!

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