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[Aubrey's P.O.V]

I rubbed my eyes and rolled out of bed. My hand went to grab my phone to check it's notifications.

From Dan:

can I talk to you? I'll be over soon

sent 10 minutes ago

I sighed as that means he was going to be here any minute. I got changed into some leggings and a nice shirt. I didn't feel the need to do my makeup or hair so I was done with my appearance.

I felt upset because of what happened yesterday and a loss of trust definitely took over but, I'm curious so...

I walk downstairs right as there's a knock on the door. Troye answers it, greeting Dan. He walks in and smiles at me. I smile back and sit on the couch.

"Could you guys give us a minute?" Dan asks Tyler and Troye who were trying to be in on the conversation.

Tyler huffs taking Troyes hand and walking out of the room.

"Hey, Aubrey" Dan says quietly.

"Hey, Dan" I mimic back, slightly frustrated.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the party. I didn't know if you'd even want me going to something like that. My friends invited me and this time I couldn't say no, I'm really sorry" He explains with a sigh.

I smile knowing he didn't do anything wrong and only wanted some freedom.

I get up and wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him.

"Thank you Dan, for coming to me about it" He smiles into the kiss, clearly happy with my reply.

Tyler and Troye waltz back into the room and smile.

"I assume everything is alright?" Tyler says giving me a hug.

"Yes everything is great" I say back pulling Dan and Troye into the hug.

We lounge around on the couch and watch movies. Zoe came back earlier that day and went out to run some errands so she'd be back home soon. The end of our break was tomorrow meaning the end of high school for us was in a week!

*Four Days Later*

It was Thursday. 1 day before graduation.

Fuck I was freaking out.

I blasted across my room, throwing papers around trying to find my note book. It was 1 day left of having to use any of this stuff so it was it the process of being thrown away. Meaning it was every where.

I found my note book under a pile of papers and rushed downstairs. Last full day of school today and after, Zoe and I are going shopping for new dresses because the ones we sped bought the other month don't even fit.

Zoe, Tyler and Troye were all waiting by the door. Yes, we were late on our last day. Whatever.

"You're a mess!" Tyler argues at me whilst Troye shakes his head and opens the door.

Zoe laughs and I huff.

"I'm stressed" I say to Zoe.

She sighs and grabs my hand.

"You'll be fine. Last day to worry about any of this" she says and keep up our pace with Troye and Tyler.

We arrive at the school and enter inside. I see Dan and Shane talking so I walk over to greet him.

I kiss him on the cheek and lean my head on his shoulder.

"Awww, I'm gonna die alone. Maybe I should give Ryland a call" Shane jokes, flailing his hands and pulling out his phone.

I giggle and look up at Dan.

"You look tired" he says with a pout.

"Maybe a little" I say and back away.

"I gotta go, I'll see you after school beautiful" he says before kissing my lips and running to class, late.

I was about to go to class but as soon as I turn around someone knocks my stuff out of my hands and uses both their hands to shove me against the locker.

Oh god.

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