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[Chapter Fourteen]

"We love you too Auby".

It's the day after that weird emotional event and I feel like crap. My stomach in knots and my head is on fire.

My eyes flutter open, Monday. I sigh and swing my legs over the bed.

"Ow, f-" I hold my stomach and fall back onto the bed. Am I sick? Good god.

I lay on my bed for a few minutes before realizing the time.

"AUBREY!" Tyler screams.

"Yea" I ache, still holding my stomach.

"Aubrey we need to go to- uh what's wrong you look like shit" I roll my eyes and clench my fists.

"Tyler I'm not feeling good" He sighs and walks into the bathroom. He arrives back in my room with two Advils.

"Here take these. You're lucky it's our last year in school!" He cheers giving me a quick kiss on the head.

"See ya Auby"

"Bye Tyler"

It's only a few hours later and Troye and Tyler kept calling to check up on me. Not gonna lie I felt worse. My head was sweating a pool and my stomach was throwing a party.

"Ugh" I moan rolling over. I pick up my phone to check the time, but end up reading 7 missed calls and 4 texts. Dear lord people.

From - Dan<3

Hey babe, wanna meet up at lunch?:)

From - Zoe♥︎

Aubrey are you feeling better? Tyler wont stop calling you and Troye is pacing. Please tell me you're not dead.

From - Dan<3

Auby? Are you okay? Why weren't you in P.E? Are you dying? Babe please talk to me:(

From - Dan<3

gtg to science, I'll text you later love. Bye babe;)<3

I smile and quickly reply. After everyone knows I'm not dead, I walk out of my room and into the kitchen to take an Advil.

To my surprise it worked almost immediately and I was almost 100% better. I felt really good throughout the rest of the day, waiting for the squad to come home.

They came home about an hour later.

"Hey Aubrey" They say walking into the flat.

"Hey" I say skipping around the kitchen.

"Wow, you feel better then?" Zoe laughs giving me a hug.

"Much" I say, digging for food.

"Ah, ah, ah" Tyler says slapping my hand away from the cabinets.

"Mm what's up?" I sass, pouting my lips.

"Dinner will be ready soon" He coos, skipping back to the couch.

"Uh, first of all you haven't even started dinner and you're slouching on the couch eating Doritos. Second of all I want popcorn" I say, continuing the search for my beloved popcorn.

I heard a Tyler logic conversation happening but it was interrupted by a loud thud and an annoyed groan from Troye.

I giggle as he picks up his fallen books off the floor.

"I hate Mondays" He whines.

"Oh psh posh Troye" Tyler begins, "We only have like 2 weeks left of school until we get out and live an adult life" He says excited.

I giggle and open up the last cabinet.

"Grr" I groan, not finding any popcorn.

"Whats wrong?" Zoe asks coming up to me.

"There's no popcorn" I groan.

"Oh, boo hoo" Tyler coos, holding up chips.

I growl and him and check the time. "It's only 7, why don't we go to Tesco?" I ask, skipping to the door.

"I guess" Zoe agrees, grabbing her purse.

"Let's go" I say ushering her out the door.

I heard a loud, "BE CAREFUL" come from Tyler and shut the door.

Zoe and I giggled, laughed and gossiped on the medium sized walk to the shops. We also played a guessing game of, 'what color will Tyler's hair be next?'.

We stopped chatting and looked both ways before crossing the road. But looking both ways doesn't necessarily promise safety.

The last thing I saw was a car flying towards us and my name being screamed. Before everything went black.

[Tyler's P.O.V]

I was happily sat on the couch when a knock sounded on the door.

"You can get it" Troye coos. I roll my eyes and walk toward the door.

"Hey Tyler" Dan says.

"Hey Dan, come in" I say, ushering him inside.

"Um is Aubrey here? I don't mind hanging with you guys but I wanted to see if she was okay?" He says, worried.

"Aubrey and Zoe went out to Tesco's, they should be back-" I paused.

"Tyler?" Dan asked.

I whip my head around to look at the time. 8:30? But it's only a 10 minute walk.

"They should've been back 15 minutes ago" I say, my chest starting to rise and fall quite quickly.

"What!" Troye and Dan say.

"What if-" Dan was cut off by my phone.

"Hold on" They nod.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hi is this, um Tyler Oakley?" The male voice asks.

"Um yes it is, can I ask who this is?" I ask, quivering.

"Yes I'm Dr. Loan and you're friends with...Zoe Sugg and Aubrey Jones." He questions, my heart beat speeding up.

"Um yes, we're very close...why?" I ask concerned.

"Well these two girls we're involved in a head on collision by Tesco's. They were both hit and taken into intense medical care almost immediately. One of them was knocked out cold and the other was conscious. They are here at the Brighton Hospital if you want to drop it, thank you for your time" He ends the call.

My heart rate was speeding and tears brimmed my eyes.

"TYLER!" Troye and Dan yell, running to my side.

"Please tell us whats wrong!" They ask.

I sniffle and look up into their eyes, "Aubrey and Zoe were hit by a car". 

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