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[Chapter Four]

I was awoken to a Tyler scream coming from the kitchen. My eyelids almost immediately shot open and I jumped out of bed.

I walk into the kitchen to see Tyler and Troye bouncing around trying to kill a spider while cooking waffles.

Oh dear jesus, I laugh to myself.

"Guys, GUYS!" I yell, simply stepping on it.

"Oh um, morning!" Tyler waves.

I giggle and walk to wake Zoe.

"Zoe love, you need to wake up" She stirs.

"Tyler and Troye are attempting to make waffles" She shots up and giggles.

"I'll down soon!" I laugh and give her some privacy.

I walk back into my room and sort out my clothes. I decide to go for a white sundress and sandals, due to the extremely hot weather oh my lord.

I applied a bit of makeup, you know...eyeliner n stuff. Then I brushed my straight hair, which was actually really silky today.

I skipped downstairs happily and walked into a nice smelling kitchen.

"Wow smells good" I hear Zoe say behind me.

"Agreed" I nod and sit on the bar stool.

"Mmm these are good!" I say eating more.

"Mhm" Tyler snaps. Whilst Troye laughs.

"Guys" I say in a serious tone.

Oh god what was I doing.

"I need to tell you something"

Stop Aubrey.

"I um"


"I like Dan"

Oh no.

I close my eyes, only to open them to Tyler spitting out his drink, Troye slipping on nothing and Zoe covering her mouth.

"Wait, Dan Howell?" Zoe asks.

"Yes" I say sadly.

"Awe love please don't be upset, we're a little shocked but we hope for best" I look with her and hug her immediately, soon giving bear hugs to both Tyler and Troye.

"You guys are amazing" I squeal.

"But doesn't he bully you?" Troye asks.

"He did, but remember, uh Monday. He erm kissed me" Zoe smiles sweetly.

"We all saw that but we were hoping it didn't actually happen, but we're happy for you love" Tyler says giving me a brotherly peck on the forehead.

"Come on guys, school" Zoe says grabbing my hand and skipping out of the flat.

We lock the doors and walk down to school. Could it be any more sunny? I ruffle my hair back and walk inside.

"Aubrey, Tyler, Troye I need to head to Math but I'll meet up with you for lunch" We all nod and hug and let her go.

"I have to run to the library" Troye squeaks suddenly remembering his over due book.

"I'll go with you" Tyler says jumping at the opportunity. He looks at me worried and I give him a reassuring look.

"I'll be fine, go!" I squeaked as he ran off with Troye.

Suddenly I felt, venerable like I felt protected with them but now I'm not.

I walk to my locker and swiftly punch in the code, I grab my books and when I close my locker I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey" Luke says as I close my locker.

"Oh hi" I say. I hope he doesn't think I-"So I was wondering if you wanted to go out some time" He asks, flipping his hair.

"Oh, um. Maybe I don't know. I actually kinda like someone else" His face drops. Oh no.

"Whom may I ask?" He says starring me down.

"Um" I choke, "Dan. Dan Howell" He goes wide-eyed.

"WHAT!" He says, sounding slightly intimidating.

"Yea um-" I was cut off by him. "NO how do you even! HOW DO YOU LIKE HIM! He's an asshole, you deserve ME! ONLY ME!" Kay what? I've known you for like 2 days.

"Excuse me?" I say taking defense. Bad idea. Before I could even blink I felt a large hand punch me in the face.

"EEK" I scream falling to the ground. He looked down at me and kicked me in the stomach. I flinched in pain and curled up into a ball.

"I will get you, you will be mine" He states before storming off.

I sat up at wiped a tear from my cheek. I touched my temple and felt a warm liquid drip from the side of my finger. Blood.

I quickly got up and shoved my books back in my locker before storming off to the bathroom. I wasn't crying I was just a bit broken.

I was about to enter the washroom when I felt a hand tug on my shoulder.

Oh fuck he's back for more.

But when I turned to see who it was, I saw the boy I've practically been obsessing over.


𝐛𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝑫𝒂𝒏 𝑯𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒍𝒍 | 𝐚𝐮Where stories live. Discover now