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A/N - shoutout to my good friend Mila for making the covers! cringequeen // give her a follow!

[Aubrey's P.O.V]

We all sat in the hotel room trying to get our minds off things. 

"Guys we have no food" Tyler complains walking back from the kitchen.

"I'll go grocery shopping" Dan says getting up.

"No! That person is out there looking for us!" I say grabbing his hand.

"Love, it's just up the street" I sigh and let go.

"I'll be back soon" He gets up and slips on some shoes before heading out the room door.

"He'll be fine Aubrey calm down and we'll put on a movie" Troye says, trying to comfort me

"You're right"

~Le Time Skip~

It's now 6:45 pm and Dan isn't back yet.

"Guys Dan's been gone for like an hour and a half now" I say feeling a large amount of worry take over.

"Yea you're right, wanna give him a call?" I nod and pull up his number.




No answer.

"Something's happened to him!" I screech.

"Aubrey calm down you don't know that" Tyler says bringing me into a side hug. I calm down in his embrace and take deep breaths.

I decide to text him to see if he answers.

To : Dan <3

Heyyy, are you okay??
read at 6:48pm

"He read it?" I say confused.

"What?" Troye asks looking over at my phone.

"He read the message!" I exclaim showing my friends the text.

"What the fuck?" They all say looking at the screen.

"Text him again" Zoe suggests.

I agree and text him again.

To : Dan <3

Dan?! Why are you not replying...?

It was a few minutes later and I decided to check back on the text.

To : Dan <3

Dan?! Why are you not replying...?
read at 6:52pm 

"HE'S READING THE TEXTS!" I scream jumping out of Tyler's arms.

"Okay Auby calm down!" 

"I can't" I say with tears prickling my eyes.

"Aubrey I don't have an explanation but just try not to panic, he'll be back soon"

I sigh and wipe the tears off my face.


[Dan's P.O.V] 

I was making my way to the store, shaking my head to the ambience sounds of down town.

I started rounding an alley corner when I felt a hand around my mouth and a cloth to my nose. I tried squirming and kicking but this person was much bigger than I was.

All went black.

~Le Time Skip~

My eyes opened to a dark room with wood walls and cement floor. Where was I? 

"Hello?" I called softly, not wanted to alert the wrong person.

I groaned and looked at my legs and hands.

Tied to the chair I'm sitting in.


I pulled as hard as I could but the ropes that were keeping me in my seat were well tied. 

I tried everything I could think off but the room is empty aside from the chair I'm in. Wiggling around I could move the chair around, as quiet as possible...

I wiggle my whole body to feel if my phone were still on me but obviously it wasn't.

"What the fuck" I sighed. 

[Aubrey's P.O.V] 

"Can we do a find my iPhone?" I ask everyone.

"Sure, that might work actually" Troye says bringing up the app.

He types in Dan's number and presses search. 

My heart stops when I see the location.

"Why is he at that old house no one lives in?" Zoe asks.

Suddenly reality hits us all as we leap off the bed and out the door.

Dan's been kidnapped!

A/N - finally some action LMAO, hope you enjoyed! sorry it's a bit shorter than all the others but I'm going to a movie with my crush so gotta blast.
- Kat

Instagram - Septicidil
Twitter - Burkieaf
Vine - septicidal (burkieaf)


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