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[Chapter Fifteen]

[Aubrey's P.O.V]

I open my eyes slowly, trying to adjust to the light of the bright hospital room. As soon as my eyes fully open I hear gasps and cries.

"AUBREY! DOCTOR SHE'S AWAKE!" Someone screams. I hear the door opening and someone walking in.

I sit up on the hospital bed and look around. Dan, Tyler and Troye were all sitting on the chairs.

"G-guys?" I stutter.

"Hi Aubrey, I'm Dr. Loan. You were hit by a car yesterday and were taken into intense medical care. If the car hit you a km faster, you would be dead" A huge sigh of relief shows across my face.

"Where's Zoe?" I ask.

"Shes in surgery right now, she's in tough condition. But you're good enough to go home today" I examine the few scars and stitches along my body.

A few minutes later I was undressing and getting into some sweatpants and a tank top, leaving the hospital.

"Can I see Zoe?" I ask the doctor.

"I'm afraid not. Goodbye miss Jones" I let a tear drip from my cheek before being pulled into a group hug.

"Don't worry Aubrey, Zoe will be okay" Tyler sighs.

"Let's go" Troye says releasing from the hug.

"Right" I mumble.

Once we return home Tyler starts on dinner and Troye invites over Joey and Shane. Shane is actually moving back to Cali with Joey soon. So we decided to invite them over. It's not like we won't ever see them again it's just we wont afford to travel to Cali all the time.

"Hey babe" Dan says, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Hey Dan" I whisper.

"Are you okay? I was terrifyingly worried about you" He says kissing my nose.

"I'm fine, just rest. I wanna see Zoe as soon as possible" I mumble.

"You will, don't worry" He pecks me on the lips before picking me up bridal style, carrying me to the living room. He sets me down and picks at the food whilst Tyler is looking away. I giggle and sit next to Troye.

I put my head on his shoulder, "Hey" I say softly. "Hey, you feeling better?" He asks. I nod in reply.

"When are Shane and Joey coming?" I ask.

"In a few minutes" He says resting his head on top of my head.


Tyler whips his head around to look at the door, but in the process catching Dan picking at the food.

"DANIEL" He says chasing him off with a spatula. Troye and I giggle as I get up to answer the door.

"Heyyyyyyyy" Shane says, rolling his shoulders.

"Hey Shane, Joey!" I say giving them hugs.

"What do you guys wanna do" Tyler asks. My heart suddenly sinks at the fact Zoe not being here, I want to get my mind off her but I can't. She's too important.

"We should film a video!" Joey cheers, taking out his phone. We laugh and start playing some music.

~Le Time Skip~

We finished dinner and filmed our little video.

"Hey guys, we should post this on youtube!" Troye says, clicking the upload button on my account.

"Sure I guess, It's really stupid though" I giggle, sitting in between Dan's legs. Dan agrees and rests his chin on my shoulder.

"You're cute in it though" He says, kissing my cheek.

"Ok you two are like goals, and then there's me" Shane says, laughing.

We laugh and select the video to upload. It's just us introducing what we're doing and then dancing. We all have youtube channels but don't really post anything. I think it'd be cool if we all started youtube.

We edited the video and uploaded it. I only had 127 subscribers, so I don't expect a lot of views.

~4 hours later~

I was curled up alongside Dan on the bed. I roll to face him and kiss his nose. I try to pull back, but his secure grip on my waist makes me stay in place.

"Hey baby" He says pecking my nose.

I giggle and peck him on the lips, but when I try to pull back again he holds me in place, making a small high pitched whimper leave my lips.

He chuckles and grabs my waist tighter, "You're sexy and adorable, you know that?" He says.

I smile and kiss his cheek, "Same for you".

Suddenly his lips hit mine with a hungry force, a small moan leaving my lips. I then feel him hovering over top of me, his hands running up and down my sides.

We've only been in a relationship for almost 3 weeks and I don't think I'm- never mind.

After a few minutes of furiously making out things got heated. I felt Dan's fingers playing with the hem of my pants, threatening to pull them off any second.

As soon as I felt a light tug I pulled away.

"Whats wrong love? Did I do something?" He asks, worriedly.

"No Dan, I uh- have to go" I kiss his cheek and walk out of the room and into the kitchen.

"Hey Aubrey we're playing-" I cut Tyler off my running outside the door of the flat and down the stairs.

[Troyes P.O.V]

Oh no.

I give Tyler the it's-happening-again look and look at Dan who just walked into the room looking like he just fell into a pool of confusion.

"Is she alright?" Joey asks.

"Um I-uh-" Tyler kept giving me weird eyebrow signals, "I-um, no" I sigh.

"What's wrong? Did I do something?" Dan asks upset. I get up and usher him toward the couch.

"What were you guys doing?...You need to tell us Dan. It's serious." Tyler says.

He takes a gulp and starts talking, "Well her and I started kissing and kissing and then it turned into full on making out. I swear I didn't force anything on her, but I started playing with the hem of her pants and was ready to pull them down, but before I could she got up and said she couldn't and she kissed my cheek and ran out." He explained nervously.

"Oh god Dan. You don't know what happened, do you?"

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