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[Chapter Twelve]

I finish my pancake and put my dishes in the sink. After washing up I walk into the lounge to find Zoe, Troye and Tyler giggling about something.

"Um what?" I coo walking into the room.

"Oh Auby, sit, sit" Troye says, I roll my eyes.

"So as you may know" Zoe begins, "We are literally the best of friends, technically siblings if you ask me. So we were wondering if we could all move in together! We already called up your grandparents!" I swear my face was the most exited it's ever looked.

"You're joking? OH MY GOD!" I squealed in excitement.

"What about your flats?" I ask.

"Don't worry, we've been planning this ever since we started staying here" Tyler sasses.

"So all your stuff is packed?" I ask.

"We even sold our flats" Troye says excitedly.

Could this get any better?

"I guess we should start on rooms then. Zoe I guess the guest room is your room and-" Tyler cut me off, "Troye and I are sharing your mum's old room!" He squeaks.

I nod and excitedly jump around.

"I can't believe this! I'm moving in, well you're moving in. But my best friends are moving in with me." I squeal.

After about 15 minutes of jumping around and bathroom assignments, we decided to go out shopping.

"Okay so I need a bunch of stuff for my room" Zoe says. I giggle and we split up from Tyler and Troye.

We head into a store, a very nice store. It sells gorgeous furniture that goes perfect with any room in our flat.

"What about this?" I ask tracing my fingers along a pretty grey sofa.

"It's gorgeous" She squeaks. I smile and check the price. Reasonably cheap. We'll probably end up ordering stuff due to our laziness.

We head out of the store and start walking back to meet Tyler and Troye. But fuck.

"Um Aubrey..." Zoe says pointing into a shop.

I flick my head toward the shop and feel my knees get weak.

"D-d-Dan?" I whisper almost collapsing.

"Aubrey oh my god, I-" She stops to see what I'm looking at. I look to see he's gone, leaving the girl he just made out with standing there.

"Auby, let's go" I feel tears brim my eyes and within a minute I was balling. Zoe was hugging my shoulders, tears dripping from her eyes in empathy.

"Oh Aubrey I can't imagine how you feel lovie" She says resting her chin on my shoulder.

"Tyler and Troye will meet us here soon" She whispers giving me another hug.

"I don't know w-what to t-think" I stutter, more tears flowing.

"Love, I know you really like Dan but I think we all saw this coming" She says holding my hands.

"But you never know. That girl could've came onto him, he didn't have time to react and that's why he left so fast" She says wiping tears off my cheeks.

"I-I guess" I mumble giving her a hug.

"I don't know what I'd do without you Zoe" I giggle wiping my cheeks.

"OH MY GOODNESS!" I hear two voices scream.

"AUBY, AUBY, AUBY WHAT HAPPENED?" Troye and Tyler scream, running up to me.

They give me hugs, making it hard to breathe.

"Um, well...we saw another girl kissing Dan. But he left quickly which could only mean he didn't want to kiss her" Zoe says. I saw Tyler's face go red with fury.

"I knew not to trust him" He says helping me up.

"We'll just need to see how he explains it" Troye says gripping onto my hand.

After a while, Zoe and Tyler ran off to get some Vans, leaving Troye and I.

"Aubrey are you alright?" He asks resting his chin on my shoulder.

"I'm fine I guess. I need to talk to him about it. I don't want to be that girl who storms off, jumping to conclusions" I say with a smile.

"That a girl, this is why I love you" He says bringing me into a hug.

I giggle and hug him back as we walk out of the store.

"TROYE I FOUND THOSE REALLY CUTE BEIGE VANS YOU WANTED" Tyler screams from the other side of the mall.

Troyes face lights up as he runs to Tyler squealing.

I mentally face-palm and walk over to Zoe.

"Hey, you feeling better?" She asks softly.

"I am, I just need to talk to him about it and hear his side of the story" She smiles and gives me a hug.

"Shall we go back" Tyler screams, running to the car.

"What did he buy?" I ask, giggling.

"Well he bought a giant cookie if that's what you mean" She laughs.

"Oh god" I smile walking to the car.

We arrive home and start on dinner. I walk into my room forgetting to charge my phone. I press the home button to see 5 texts, all from the same person.

𝐛𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝑫𝒂𝒏 𝑯𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒍𝒍 | 𝐚𝐮Where stories live. Discover now