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a/n - hey guys! I started a new book and I think if you liked this one you'll love that one, it's called 'napped', go check it out :) <3

[Aubrey's P.O.V]

I padded my way down the stairs of our flat and walked outside. Starbucks wasn't very far from where I lived so I didn't need to drive.

It was a nice day, the sun was shining and there was a nice breeze. Starbucks was finally in sight and the nerves kicked in. I really, really hope he tells me the truth because I don't even know what I would do if he lied.

I walked into the small shop and noticed Dan sitting at a booth. I smiled and walked over.

"Hey, beautiful" He says with a wink. My heart fluttered and I greeted him back.

We chatted for a bit, ordered our food and sipped our drinks. It came to the time where I needed to ask him the question.

"Hey Dan, what did you do yesterday?" I asked, implying I was interested about his day.

"Well, we were at Jack's house with Chris, Tristan and Alex. Then we went out to grab dinner and went home and watched a movie" He explained, grabbing a fry.

It took all of my strength not to ask him why he didn't tell me about the party.

"That's it?" I asked, obviously upset.

"Yea, why?" I shrugged my shoulders and sipped on my drink.

We finished our meal and walked outside. We walked around a bit before I felt tired and wanted to go tell the boys what happened.

"I love you Aubrey" Dan says, kissing me softly.

"I love you too, Dan" I say, returning the kiss.

My stomach felt uneasy and a million things were running through my mind. Dan ended up driving me home. As we arrived he planted a kiss on my cheek and opened my door for me, "M'lady" he say holding his hand out.

I took his hand in mine and stepped out of the car, giggling at his goofiness.

"Have a good night love" He says one last time as we share a quick kiss on the lips. He gets in his car and drives off. I sighed and walked up to my flat.

I open the door and walk in.

"Aubrey!" Tyler squeaks.

Troye looks up from his computer and sighs, "So..did you-", "Yea, I asked him. He didn't tell me about the party" I huffed and marched to my room.

[Tyler's P.O.V]

Oh hell no!

"Aubrey" Troye calls as she walks off into her room.

"Fuck what do we do" I ask, starting to stress out.

"Should I ask Dan about it?" Troye asks. I was hesitant to agree but I did anyway.

To Dan:

hey dan it's troye, just wondering if you have a second?

Troye looks at me with concern as he sends the text. Troye and I don't normally communicate with Dan unless it's something like this. You'd think we would after risking our lives to save him but we haven't grown as close as people think.

Troye and I squeal as his phone vibrates and we quickly read the text.

From Dan:

hey troye! yea totally, sup?

My heart beat out of my chest. What if this fucks up Aubrey and Dan's relationship? But, I wouldn't do it if I knew it would have negative effects.

Troye replied quickly, wanting to keep up the conversation. We decided on keeping it casual. Basically it would sound like we wanted to go the the party and such.

(T - Troye, D - Dan)

T - ayeee, so you were at that party yesterday yeah?

D - uh yea, why?

T - tyler and I wanted to go but we never got any details..

D - damn, ask me next time. I got loads of hookups.

Troye and I look at each other in confusion. Hookups?

T - hookups??

D - oh well, people hook me up with parties and shit soooo

T - ahhh I see, does auby know you went yesterday?

And so the questions is asked;

D - nope, don't plan on telling her either. please don't tell her ):

T - how come?

D - I just don't want her trust to go down because of a party :/

Troye and I sighed.

T - I think you should just tell her, maybe then she'll feel like you are trustworthy of going out like that.

It took Dan a second to reply before sending an agreement and ending our conversation.

I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders. I was really hoping something like that was the case. Troye and I decided to call it a night and to leave it to Dan to tell Aubrey.

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