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[Chapter Six]

I left the library to run to my locker because I suck at timing my free blocks. So I literally had to book it through the hallway. For once though, I was exited for science.

I smiled at the thought of Dan and grabbed my books from my locker.

I started walking to science and approached the door. I saw Dan sitting in his seat. He then looked up at me. He smiled and I smiled back. Wow cliche.

I was about to enter the room when a hand pulled me back. I caught a glimpse of the confused look on Dan's face as I was pulled out of the door frame.

"Hey Aubrey" Zoe said giving me a hug.

"Oh lord Zoe you scared me" I say hugging her back.

"I heard about the um" she paused, "Note." I nodded and told her what happened.

She gasped a few times, "So are you and Dan like, dating?" She giggled.

"I actually don't know" I laugh as she starts squealing.

"Zoe I have to go, I'll meet you, Troye and Tyler after school. After all we're technically we live with each other" I giggled as she said goodbye and skipped off.

I walk into to see Dan look up at me as I entered the room. I smiled back and sat beside him.

"Hey" He said.

"Hey" I whispered back.

I had yet to notice Luke come and sit beside me.

"Hey love" He says scooting close.

I could almost feel Dan's eyes burning through him.

"Buzz off will you?" He says, "Um my seat, I can talk to her if I want" Luke spits back.

"Maybe she doesn't want to talk to you ya twat" He shots Dan and death glare.

"Well sweet cheeks, I'll see you later" I have never cringed so much in my life.

"Ignore him" I say as Dan's still starring at Luke.

"Are we still on for tonight?" He asks me.

"What? Of course we are" I happily reply.

The end of class came around pretty quickly and as usual everyone was quick to leave. The bell sounded for the end of the day and Dan and I walked out together.

"So I'll pick you up at six?" He asks with a smile, I nod.

"Could I have your, erm. Number?" He asks shyly.

"Sure" I say punching it into his phone.

"Cool, see you" He says before he plants a peck on my cheek and walks off.

Holy mother of I don't even know.

I like this side of him. A lot.

Who knew?

I bolted to my locker and shoved my books inside only keeping my purse, after I shut my locker I skipped to the front of the building where my three best friends were goofing around.

"Hey guys!" I say joyfully.

"Ooo, someones happy" I squeak.

"Yes yes they are" I jump.

"You have a date with Dan tonight don't you" I turn bright red.

They know me too well.

"Um, maybe?" They all giggle and we walk back to my flat.

"So" Zoe screams.

"Mhm?" I reply munching on cereal.


"Oh shit! What time is it?" I ask.

"5:30...why?" Oh lord.

"HE'S PICKING ME UP AT SIX" Panic ran through both our eyes as we booked it to the bathroom.

"Okay so what kind of date is it?" She squeaks.

"Home movie" She giggles and smiles. "I'll be right back" She chirps before returning with a cute pair of black leggings and a floral crop top.

"This shall do" She says leaving me to get changed.

Once I'm changed I look in the mirror and reapply my makeup, whilst making my hair smooth and silky. I was originally going to put it in a pony tail but Zoe said to leave it down.

I left it down to hang just below my waist, yes my hair was long.

I walked out and Zoe squeaked and Troye and Tyler started fake crying.

"Our little sissy is all grown up" Troye dramatically complains, wiping a fake tear of his cheek.

I fall into a fit of giggles until I heard a knock at the door.

"OMG!" I squealed, fixing my hair.

"Ready" Zoe asks. I nod and run to the door.

"Hey" Dan says dressed in his white t-shirt with a beige cardigan and black skinnies.

"Wow um you uh-" I blush, "You look gorgeous" He says taking my hand.

I look back at Tyler who's wiping a non existent tear off his face as I leave the flat.

"So what movie you wanna watch?" He asks as we enter his flat.

"Oh um I dunno" He says sitting on the sofa.

"How bout...Insidious 2?" He laughs. I turn pale.

"Whats wrong?" He asks.

"Oh nothing, yea that will do" I say balling onto the sofa.

He puts in the DVD and turns off the lights. He plops on the couch and I curl up to his side.

The bloody title popped up and I flinched and hid, digging my head into his chest. He giggled and I peeled my eyes to the screen.

Oh goodness what have I agreed to do.

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