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A/N - here's the new chapter:)

[Aubrey's P.O.V]

I fell to the ground landing on my head. I squeal out in pain as the blood trickles down my face. What the fuck? I manage to look up and see where the gunshot was fired. My heart dropped as I saw Zoe on the floor clutching the thigh of her left leg.

"ZOE!" I scream, bringing myself to my feet.

I ran towards her and covered the bullet wound. The bullet went through, meaning we didn't have to take it out. I sighed and ripped apart of my shirt and tied it around her leg so the blood didn't leak. 

"That should hold it for now but not for long. We need to get out of here" I said helping her up as best I could.

I turn to Dan and help untie the ropes securing his arms and legs. I let Zoe go for just a moment to give Dan a hug. He kisses my head as we start moving out the door.

"Where" Zoe stutters out.

"I don't know. We have to find Tyler and Troye" 

"Dan can you stay here with Zoe? She's not capable of walking around and if we need to run...", "Yes I can, be safe please and come back here in 10 minutes if you don't find them" Dan says holding my hand.

I nod and start off in the other direction Troye and Tyler went down. My heart beated as I furthered down the dark hallway, similar to the one Zoe and I went down. I looked left and right through cracks in doors but still nothing. 

I was about to turn around and see if there was another hallway I could check when I heard a thump. Not a someone running thump but a someone was just bodychecked into the door thump.

I whipped my head around and locked eyes with the room it came from. I moved towards it quickly but quietly. I took a deep breath and opened the door.

"AUBREY" Tyler screamed through the muffle around his mouth. I gasped as Troye was also on the floor, covered in blood and his mouth muffled by a rag.

"Troye! Tyler!" I shout running up to them both. I removed the rags from Tyler's mouth, "Aubrey LOOK OUT!" Tyler yells before I turn my head to see someone swing at me. 

I ducked and got up quickly. This person wasn't very big, in fact they were probably my height. I stared at them as they stared back. Then of course they pulled the gun out. I closed my eyes as the trigger was pulled.

Nothing came out.

The person stared down at the gun and then back up at me. They lunged at me, knocking me to the ground. I could hear Tyler screaming in the background and muffled sounds from Troye. I kicked the person in the stomach causing their body to coil as I pushed them off of me.

I screamed as they got right back up and came at me again. Blood trailed down my face and my leg was bruised from the fall. I limp back towards the wall and grab an old piece of plywood that had pealed.

The person jumped at me as I swung the wood at their head. The wood hit their head, making them quickly make contact with the floor with a thud. I sighed and untied Troye and Tyler. They hugged me and went for the door.

"Wait" I said quietly.

"What? We need to go. Now" Troye said grabbing my arm.

"What if we know them?" I asked looking up at Troye.

He nodded and followed me towards the unconscious person. I knelt down beside them and reached out for the black mask they had on their head. I took it off, Tyler gasped as an almost inaudible "Oh my god" came from Troye.

My eyes widened as I recognized who it was.


A/N - Hopefully you enjoyed that! I'm still trying to find time to update but I think I can squeeze it into my schedule a lot more now. As always thank you for reading, love you guys!!

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