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[Aubrey's P.O.V]

All of us stare at the door.

Who could've gotten a hold of our room number? We just got here!

I got up off the bed and headed toward the door. Moving my head closer to the door I look through the peep whole.

I stare through and see Dan standing in front of the door.

"Holy fuck, it's just Dan" I say calming down.

Zoe and Tyler sigh and come over to the door.

I open the door and greet Dan, "Hey babe!"

"Hey baby girl, sorry this is kinda creepy but Troye gave me the room number last night" I smiled and hugged him.

"Hey Dan" Zoe says giving him a hug.

"Hey" Tyler says to Dan.

"So why are you here? Not that I'm complaining" I ask.

"There was an issue at my flat, I saw someone standing outside my window. I had to get out" He replies nervously.

I look behind him to see a suitcase.

"You're staying here?" I ask.

"Yea, could I stay with you guys?" He asks with a pout.

We all agree and invite him inside.

The hotel room was set up so that there was a pretty large kitchen and there was a couch that turned into a bed, along with 2 actual beds.

"Thank you" He says kissing my cheek.

We all walk inside and meet Troye who greets Dan. A little bit shook from the image of someone following us we decided to fill our stomachs and go out to eat.

Walking out the hotel, the July air feeling warm and relaxing. We all walked down to a restaurant just a few minutes from the hotel.

"Mmm this place smells good" Tyler exclaims, inhaling the food.

I giggle and walk up to the waitress.

"Hello, for 5?" She asks, I nod.

"Alright follow me" We follow her to a nice booth in a candle illuminated area.

"I'll be back soon" She says before walking off.

I smile and look down at the menu.

"What do you want love?" Dan asks.

"Umm, I think ice-tea sounds pretty good at the moment" He smiles and kisses my cheek.

"OH MY-", "Tyler shu-", "MILKSHAKES!" Troye rolls his eyes and smacks Tyler in the arm.

Tyler squints his eyes and glares at Troye. Zoe giggles and proceeds to scan the menu.

"Tyler we're in a public place!" Troye says.

"Public place my ass, I can express my love for milkshakes where ever I want" Tyler says with a 'humph'.

I laugh and lean against the booth.

The waitress soon comes back to retrieve our drink orders.

"Hi guys my name's Kira and I'll be serving you today. Can I start off with drinks?"

She looks at Dan with her pen on the paper, "Yea, I'll have an iced coffee please" She nods and jods it down.

It goes down us all ordering our drinks and her leaving to get them.

"Guys..." Zoe says staring out the window.

"Hmm?" I say looking up from my menu.

"Is that?"

"Oh my god"

"It's him"

We all stare out the window at this man standing across the street wearing all black staring right back at us.

I started to feel uneasy and moved closer to Dan, he put his arm around my waist holding me tighter.

Zoe, Tyler and Troye all look at each other and look down at their menus.

He followed us here?

"Does this mean he knows we're not in the flats?" Troye asks quietly.

"I don't know, lot's of people go into town for lunch. That might be what he thinks we're doing" Zoe says putting a hand on his shoulder.

I get shivers when and bus drives in front of him and when it passes he's gone.

"He's gone!" Tyler squeals attracting the attention of a few people.

He mouths sorry as I send him an empathetic look.

"Good. That means we wont have to worry about him for the rest of lunch" I say trying to calm everyone down.

Everyone seemed to calm down for the time being, our drinks made it to our table, also us ordering out food.

The waitress takes off to get the food leaving us with our drinks.

Nothing much happened, the food came around and we ate. None of us had really had a proper meal since maybe 2 days ago? But this was quite filling.

We finished our meal and payed, then leaving out the door.

"That was actually really good" Tyler says rubbing his stomach.

"Yea it was, I'm glad I got some food in me" I say with a giggle.

We all head back to the hotel where we just end up chilling in the room.

I lay on Dan's chest as we watch Tyler and Troye play just dance on the T.V.

"TROYE STOP PUSHING ME!" Tyler squeals as he loses his balance and falls to the floor.

Troye laughs and ends up winning the game. Dan pulled me closer to him while laughed at the two idiots on the floor.

"Auby" Dan says close to my ear.

"Yes" I reply.

"I love you baby" He says while putting his lips on mine.

"I love you too"

"Ew get a room" Tyler says jokingly.

"Literally" Zoe giggles while grabbing a drink from the fridge.

"But in all seriousness, what are we going to do?" Tyler asks sitting beside Dan and I.

"Do about what?" Zoe asks coming to sit with us.

"The man!" He exclaims, obviously wanting an answer.

"I don't know" Troye says, putting a hand on his back.

"It's not like we can go to the police, we have no evidence that the man even exists" I say bringing everyone's confidence down.

"Yea wow, how can we even be safe?" Zoe says with a shaken look on her face.

"We'll just have to stay here then" Tyler says.

"Well we can't stay here forever, we have a trip with all our friends in a week and a half! Then we'll be staying in another hotel, except in Hawaii" Zoe says sinking into the pillow.

"Fuck" I hear Troye say under his breath.

"We'll figure something out, don't worry"

A/N - hey hey! hope you enjoyed the new chapter. I hope they can pull their shit together and figure out who df is stalking them lmao, but anyways thank you for reading<3
- Kat

Instagram - Septicidil
Twitter - Burkieaf
Vine - septicidal (burkieaf)


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