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[Chapter Eight]

Oh fuck.

I hear Zoe squeal before she and I are taken around the back of the school.

"Let us GO" I squirm.

They drop up on the fucking concrete and hover over us.

"Who are you?" Zoe asks.

"Friends of Dan" One of them says removing the hoodie.

Bianca. For fucks sake.

"What the actual" She smiles.

"Why are you with Dan? He's mine" She states.

Zoe rolls her eyes and I chuckle.

"Whats so funny?" She asks in an intimidating tone.

"It's funny cause, he's not yours and he asked me out" I laugh.

"You're such a whore" She screams before running off with her friend.

Zoe and I sit there for a while before heading in. We have the same classes on Thursdays and Mondays so we just stuck with each other the whole day.

It was soon lunch and we bolted out of the classroom.

"Hey guys" Joey says already sitting at the lunch table.

"Hey" Zoe says, kinda down.

"Whats wrong?" Oh god, why do they have to know us so well?

"Um nothing..." Tyler and Troye give us the you'll-tell-us-later-or-else look as we sit down.

"So you guys have math homework?" Shane asks, trying to bring up conversation.

"Nope" I coo.

He jokingly rolls his eyes.

I then felt a tap on my shoulder, I turn around to see Dan standing behind me.

"Hey, can I talk to you?" He asks nervously.

"Sure" I excuse myself from the table and follow him into an empty classroom.

"Um, Aubrey. I really really like you. Like a lot. Actually I um-" I had a feeling he was going to say-"I think I love you" He says nervously.

"Really?" He nods.

"Well, guess what? I love you too" I whisper before he brings me in for a hug.

"Will you um-be my uh-" I cut him off, "Girlfriend?" He nods excitedly. "Of course I will" I reply, starring at my feet.

"Well um I have to go, I'll catch you later" He winks before pecking me on the lips.

I smile and walk out, before I'm greeted by Bianca and Luke.

"Hey Aubrey" Luke says stepping toward me.

"For fucks sake leave me alone." He rolls his eyes.

"Listen here whore. Luke wants you and I want Dan, so just leave it at that k?" I stare at her in shock.

"Um what? I'm Dan's girlfriend and he doesn't like you, and I hate you" I say to her then Luke.

She was about to rebel when I just flipped my hair and left.

As cool as it was I was pulled back and thrown on the ground.

Luke had run off but Bianca threw me to the ground. She kicked me in the stomach before yelling,




She repeatedly kicked me before finishing me off in the face. She stormed off and I just lied there. What even happened.

I was there for a few minutes until I heard my name being called.

"AUBREY!" I hear Tyler's faint voice followed by Zoe and Troye.

They appear at my side and sit me up. My nose was bleeding and my stomach was covered in multiple bruises.

"Oh my gosh Aubrey!" Zoe says fighting back tears. I was already drowning in mine.

"Aubrey, hey, Auby are you ok?" I could hear muffled words but nothing made it 2 inches from my face before dissolving into a blur.

I felt Tyler pick me up while Zoe rang the office.

"Hi, yea our best friend was just beat up and shes in critical condition." I hear her say as we bolt to the office. I lay my head on Tyler's chest and slowly drifted asleep.

~Le Time Skip~

I woke up to someone lightly shaking my shoulder.

"Aubrey" One of the school nurses says.

"Aubrey Jones? Yes?" I nod.

"Well you're all fixed up but the police need to talk to you" Wait what? Police? What happened?

"Police?" I ask nervously.

"They need to know who did this" She says before invited one if the officers in.

"Hello love, I'm officer Tara and I need to ask you a few questions"

After her asking me questions, me answering them truthfully, Bianca and Luke were suspended and her stupid friend was sent home.

I walk out of the office to see Tyler, Zoe and Troye sitting on the chairs.

"AUBREY!" They squeal as they pull me in for a group hug.

"Love are you alright?" Tyler asks examining my face.

"I'm fine, can we just go home?" He nods.

"Oh and your grandparents said to stay home until the weekend, they don't need anymore of this until they get here so they can help" Troye smiles. I hug him and rest my chin on his shoulder.

"I love you guys" They all giggle and hug me back.

"We love you too Auby"

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