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[Chapter Ten]

Zoe, Tyler, Troye and I wait anxiously for our friends to show up. I had a feeling this little 'party' or Friday night hangout was going to take a turn for the worst.

5:30 came around really fast and Zoe dragged me into my room.

"Okay so what should we wear?" Since we both now had boyfriends we were really trying to dress to impress you know?

I ran into my closet and chucked 4 dresses on the bed. We tried them on and we made our final decision.

I chose my black tight dress with lace arms, exposing cleavage. And Zoe chose the similar one but in red.

We put on our dresses and ran into the bathroom to do makeup and hair.

"Okay so I don't want to much" I exclaim only applying a bit of eyeliner and mascara. I also correct my eyebrows and put on some peach lip gloss.

Zoe went for the more party look, whilst I stayed a bit basic and casual.

We did one last check up in the mirror and headed out the door.

"OHMY ASDFADHFAD" Tyler and Troye squeal jumping around.

We just giggle and put out pizza.

"Is that everything?" I ask. They nod.

It was now 6:02 and people were arriving.

"SHANE, JOEY!" Zoe screams.

I gave everyone a hug and went to answer the final knock on the door.

"Hey" Dan smiles, holding a rose.

He was dressed in a black shirt with a white ring in the middle and was wearing dark skinny jeans. His hair was moderately long and he had his black studs in.

"Hey" I smile. He hands me the rose and kisses my nose.

"M'lady" He says looping my arm with his.

We walk into the lounge where everyone is gathered in a circle. I feel everyone except Tyler, Troye and Zoe tense up.

"Um, guys!" I announce, still looped in Dan's arm.

"You may know Dan, my boyfriend." I heard a gasp.

I look back at Tyler giving him a worried look, he gives me a reassuring look and settles everyone down.

"How bout a game of truth or dare?" He suggests, us crowding into the circle.

We all agree and decide to make it spin the bottle edition.

"Okay so you can either kiss the person or confess to a truth or do the dare!" Troye establishes clapping his hands.

"Alright" Everyone mumbles.

The night passed on and I kissed Joey, Dan and Troye. I did 2 truths but not a dare.

"AUBREY!" Tyler shouts as the nose of the bottle lands on me. Again.

"Ok?" He huffs.

"You're not kissing me hunntie" He quickly snaps, I dramatically gasp. "So truth or dare?" I haven't done a dare yet and I know if I don't Tyler will throw me out the window.

"Dare" Troye gasps and starts laughing. Well shit.

Tyler starts to explain and then falls into a fit of laughter.

"WOULD YOU JUST EXPLAIN THE GOD DAM DARE!" I yell, snapping him and Troye out of their fit.

"Fine" He snorts, "You have to straddle Dan and make out for one minute" Everyone gasped and I heard oohs fly around the room.

I heard Dan chuckle, my jaw dropped to the floor.

"In front of everyone?" I check.

"In front of everyone" He giggles.

I'm pretty sure Dan was expecting me to decline the dare but instead I walked over to him, straddling his legs and cupped his face in my hands before locking my lips with him.

I heard him grunt as I traced his bottom lip with my tongue. I heard chatter and giggles behind us but I didn't care, this was amazing.

I feel his hands creep around my waist pulling me closer. I felt his tongue beg for entrance which I quickly granted. As we were about to get into a tongue war I heard;

"Their time is up..." Coming from Troye followed by a loud giggle from Tyler.

I quickly pulled away and blushed all the way back to my seat.

Well, that wasn't completely and utterly embarrassing on my part.

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