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A/N - I'm back omg, hope you enjoy this chapter:)

[Aubrey's P.O.V]

And so we sat, on the couch, in the dark. Zoe was sunken into the couch cushion trying to distract her self from the almost pitch black flat.

I sighed and moved closer to her, "Do you think someone's in our flat?", "I wouldn't worry, Tyler and Troye will be back soon anyway".

I calmed down a bit and rested on Zoe's shoulder.


My heart stopped as Zoe and I both screamed.

"What the fuck was that?!" She whispers as we get up off the couch.

"No idea but I rather not stick around to find out" And with that we ran towards the door, almost tripping on Tyler's mess along the way.

We were only a few steps in front of the door as it opened, revealing two large figures running into the flat.

Everyone screamed...including the two figures. I jumped back and tripped over god knows what, flying onto the ground with a thud.

Zoe scampered off away from the door, almost falling as well.

My heart slowed down as I recognized the two figures.

"Tyler? Troye?" I ask holding my hip.

"Goodness fucking gracious, we need to leave now!" Tyler says helping me off the ground, Troye helping Zoe.

"What! Why?" Zoe ask as we make our way to the door.

"No time to explain, let's g-"

Suddenly another thud came from the hallway.

Everyone's mouths shut as we all stared into the dark abyss we would normally call the hallway to upstairs.

Tyler gulped and Troye gasped as we could make out a tall figure walking towards us.

I screamed, Zoe screamed along with Troye and Tyler. We ran out the door shutting it behind us, making it out of the building.

"What the fuck!" Troye screams.

I sigh and sit on the curb.

"How long has that 'thing' been in our flat!?" Zoe asks, a single tear slipping down her cheek.

Tyler hugs her, sitting beside me.

"We can't go back in there" Troye says.

"Well where are we going to go!?" Zoe replies now fully sobbing.

"It's almost 1 in the morning Troye!" Tyler further argues.

I stayed silent. I have no input on the situation. We are literally sitting out in the cold, wet streets at 1 in the morning with someone in our flat.

"We cant go back inside are you kidding me!" Troye adds in.

"Guys, stop. Let's just go to Dan's flat" I suggest, already bringing his number up on my phone.

There was a chorus of 'okays' as we got up off the curb.

I ring Dan and wait for him to pick up. It was a while but he answered.

"The hell? Yes love?" Dan says into the phone. I'm forgetting it's 1 in the morning.

"Hey Dan, can Tyler, Zoe, Tyler and I come over? It's important" I hear him moving around over the phone.

"Yea sure" He finally replies.

"Thank you!" I say before hanging up.

"Let's go, and quick"

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