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A/N - having the worst time of my life rn dx but I'll update cuz I'm a cunt for leaving this book..enjoy

[Aubrey's P.O.V]

All of us bolted out the door, through into the elevator and soon we find ourselves flying down the streets.

I had Zoe's hand in mine as Troye and Tyler followed close behind. We had Dans location on my phone and started heading in that direction. It wasn't far, thankfully, only a few minutes.

We arrived outside the old abandoned house and marched up to the door. As if this could be anymore cliche, hiding the kidnap victim inside an old grungy house.

Zoe opened the door slowly, I had my keys in my hand in case it came down to a fight. We walked slowly through the long hallway all huddled together in a cluster. Tyler screamed as a floor board creaked, scaring the shit out of us all.

"Shut up" Troye whispers angrily.

"Sorry" he mumbles back.

"Guys look" I say pointing to a small square opening in the floor.

"Looks like the entrance to hell" Zoe says, cracking Tyler up.

"Not the time" I say as I pull the floor board up and reveal an entrance to a basement.

My friends looked at each other weird but they knew we had to go down. I dropped down first followed by Troye, Zoe and then Tyler. We caught our footing as we landing, soon realizing he would need to find another way up since there was no ladder.

I sighed and trudged along the dark space.

"We should split up" Zoe says, unsure of her own suggestion.

"Are you sure? How will we find each other?" Tyler asks, clinging onto Troye.

"There's reception down here, just give us a call or a text. Have your keys out or something just in case and let's update every few minutes" I suggest, already walking away.

They all nod and Zoe and I head off.

There were a few rooms here and there but one caught my eye. If you looked vaguely at the hallway you would notice a small light coming from underneath one of the doors.

I nudged Zoe and grabbed her. We ran up to the door, making sure to make zero noise.

I decided that the person probably figured we'd be coming so they most likely knew we were there, there was no point on being quiet.

I grabbed the old rusty door handle and burst into the room.

"DAN?" I yell, probably a bad idea.

His head tilts up revealing a few wounds to the face.

Zoe squeaks as we run over to help him.

I look him in the eye and realize something wrong. He looked, scared?

I then feel a cold barrel to the back of my head and a large hand pull me back. And worst of all, a gunshot.

A/N - I will be updating more now even tho life is a dick fuck lol, hope you enjoyed this shit ass chapter with a cliff hanger, don't worry I won't leave you like this for 8 years again:(

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