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[Chapter Thirteen]

I had 5 text messages pop up on the screen, all from the same person. Dan. Of course I was still mad but I wanted to know what happened. Then judge.

I opened up the text app and read the texts,

From - Dan <3

Hey baby, wanna hang out later?;)

From - Dan<3


From - Dan<3

Did I do something wrong? Are you okay? Please reply I miss you xoxo :(

From - Dan <3

Aubrey...please talk to me. Baby I'm sorry if I did something:'(

From - Dan<3

I'm coming over.

Sent 10 minutes ago.

Crap, he'll be here any time now. I sucked in any sad emotion that might show and walk into the kitchen.

"AUBREY!" Tyler screams.

"Yea?" I ask.

"Dinner will be ready soon" He coos, flipping around food.

"K" I reply and walk up to the door.

"Mmmm, you expecting someone?" He asks pouting his lips, sassily.

"Well, I, um..." The door bell rings and I lung at it.

"Hey babe" Dan says.

"Are you okay? You look like you were crying" Shit...

"I um yea I was..." I mumble, leading him inside.

Tyler shoots him a glare as I lead him into my room.

"Dan." His facial expression turns into a sad frown.

"Did I do something?" He asks pouting.

"Yea you did. Or at least I hope you didn't" He then looks confused.

"Dan who was that girl you were kissing? I wont be mad if you tell me the truth" I ask, his face lets go a sigh of relief.

"Oh, so basically Bianca told me to meet her at the mall. So I did." I cut him off, "Why would you go hang out with Bianca?" I ask, upset.

"Because she said if I did, she would leave you alone" A small smile creeps up my face.

"So I went to the mall and met her in the little shop by the corner. She said hi and all was going well until she lunged at me and kissed me. I swear I didn't kiss back Aubrey! I was shocked I didn't know what to do. I really hate Bianca, so I pushed her away and ran off" He explains, slight expression of sadness in his face.

"Really?" I ask.

He nods.

I smile to myself and lunge at him. "I love you" I whisper. His lips creating a smile.

"I love you too" I wrap my arms around him and peck him on the lips.

"It was worth not storming out, or jumping to conclusions." I say giggling.

"That what I love about you, you give people a chance. A chance to explain. You're very unique Aubrey and such an amazing person, not to mention gorgeous" He says blushing.

My cheeks turn red as I kiss his cheek.

"Thank you Dan" I smile giving him one last hug before walking out of the room.

"Well" Tyler says to us both.

"It wasn't his fault" I say, smiling.

"OH THANK JESUS!" He sighs, along with Troye and Zoe.

"YOU GUYS ARE MY OTP" Troye squeals. I giggle and think to myself, 'Daubrey'. Cute.

Tyler squeaks and wraps his arms around Dan.

"I knew you changed" Dan giggles.

"I have, forever. I am never going back. I want to be apart of your guy's amazing friendship" He says, smiling at me.

"Well guess what, you already are" Zoe squeals, jumping around.

"Like I said, I can see the wedding invites" Tyler coos, throwing a hand up sassily, pouting his lips.

"TYLER!" I squeak digging my head into Dan's chest.

"I SPEAK THE TRUTH" He laughs, taking a sip of water.

Dan giggles and kisses my forehead.

"I gotta go now love, I'll see you tomorrow" He says pecking me on the lips.

"Oh ok, bye Dan" I smile, closing the door.

"C ya" My annoying, sibling like friends yell as he leaves.

"Aubrey I'm really proud of you" Troye says handing me some stir fry.

"Hmm, why?" I ask, smiling.

"Because letting Dan explain probably just saved your relationship, and he was honest. I could tell. He really likes you Aubrey. He wouldn't do that to you" He smiles.

"We agree" Zoe and Tyler say.

"It was extremely mature of you to do that and we can't be any more proud of our little Aubrey" Tyler says, acting all teary.

"Oh shush" I smile giving them all a hug.

"So I'll be expecting wedding invites?" Troye says.

"UGH! STOP! Well maybe. NO STOP!" I yell, we all break into laughter.

"I love you guys" I say breaking the hug.

"We love you too Auby".

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