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[Chapter Seventeen]

What the actual fuck is Jake doing here?

My heart stops and drops down to my stomach. No word can describe the amount of pain that hit me. I see him walk inside the office, inspecting the 5 year old magazines.

God was he a dick. I carefully snuck by him and out the door of the office.

I immediately broke into tears. Tear after tear falling from my cheeks onto my dress. Why? Is he really here or is this a nightmare?

I start breathing heavy, my knees grow weaker. Oh no.

Am I having a panic attack?

Soon, my vision starts to fade on me. It's like the darkness is just closing in on me. More tears fall from my face as I collapse by my locker.

"Oh my god! Are you okay?" I hear a soft voice come from behind me.

My breathing etches out into faint pants.

The girls puts her hand on my shoulder, "Are you okay?".

I gain my vision back and examine the girl. She was really pretty. Blonde hair, blue eyes. She wore tight black pants and a blue and white tank top.

"I'm good, thank you" I answer back.

"Oh thank god, I thought you were dying" She jokes. I laugh but soon remember why my attack happened.

"What's your name?" She asks getting up off the ground, offering me a hand.

"Aubrey, you?" I ask, taking her hand in mine, hopping up off the ground.

"I'm Kiera" She says, throwing her purse over her shoulder.

"Hey, um thanks" I stutter out. She smiles, "No problem".

"So are you busy? Or-" She was cut off by someone tapping my shoulder.

"Hey Auby" Dan says, starring into my eyes.

"Hey, oh Dan. This is Kiera" I gesture to Kiera who's standing before us in aw.

"Hey" She says seductively.

Dan starred at her uncomfortably.

"Oh, he's my boyfriend" I interrupt, grabbing his hand.

"Oh" She chuckles, "I-uh-should go" She leaves without a bye and heads to her class.

"What happened?" He asked, running his finger up my cheek. "You've been crying".

"I saw-" I gulp and the thought of Jake, "I saw Jake" I stutter out, looking at the ground.

"W-w-what?" He asks grabbing my hands.

"No, you didn't see him. Please tell me this is a joke." He croaks out.

"I can assure you Kiera wouldn't of had to help me off the floor if it wasn't true, Dan I need to get out of here. Like now." He looks at his watch, luckily schools over so we're free to leave.

"Okay where are Tyler, Troye and Zoe?" He asks, tugging me around the school.

We finally turn a corner to see a very confused Tyler.

"TYLER!" Dan yells.

"Oh hey guys, oh my god Aubrey what happened" How did he? Are these people from Lie to Me?

I stand there, trying not to give anything away. "She saw Jake"

I glare at Dan and glance at Tyler, who's jaw just hit the floor.


"Tyler stop!" I say giving him a small hug. "I'm fine, but I need to avoid him. At all costs" He smiles at Dan and I and grabs his things.

"Lets grab Zoe and Troye".

~Le Time Skip~

Well here I am, sitting in a living room full of, "JAKE IS DEAD TO ME"'s.

We ended up telling Troye and Zoe when we got home, so we wouldn't have to deal with rioting teachers stomping towards us in the hallway of the school.

Dan left a while ago, something about helping Phil with his camera or something. While I'm stuck here with 3 people fighting.


"SHE CAN'T STAY HERE! WHAT IF HE COMES!" Tyler further argues.

I hear Troye groan out of frustration, "She's missed to much school to stay home! There's only a week and a half!" He says.


"OKAY GUYS ENOUGH!" I say getting up, "I'm not a baby, I can fend for myself. You guys caring for me is everything, but sometimes it can get a bit too much" I sigh and sit back down.

"You're right, we're sorry. We're just worried. That's all" Tyler says, Zoe nodding.

"I know you guys are, but nothing's going to happen. Seriously!" I say giving into the group hug.


Suddenly all the lights go out, leaving us here in the dark. Not like there was natural light either. I mean it was 8:30 pm.

"What the hell?" Tyler says, walking toward the door.

"Tyler do you want to ask the neighbors if their power is out too?" Troye asks. He nods and follows Troye out the door.

"We'll be back soon, just stay here" Zoe and I nod, sitting back down on the couch.

Zoe and I aren't exactly fond of the dark. I mean it is a pretty common fear.

It's a fear of the unknown, and in this case...who cut the power and who's in our flat.

A/N - I'm very sorry for not updating, I've been through a lot this past week or so and I needed a break from everything. But I'm back! Thanks for the nice comments and reads<3 ily!

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