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[Aubrey's P.O.V] 

I stared at Bianca, none of us talking.

"What the fuck?" Tyler says as Bianca starts to wake. I backed up and stayed in the room. I wanted Troye and Tyler to leave and warn Dan and Zoe to head out but they insisted on staying.

Bianca's eyes fluttered open, her head tilting from side to side as she examines her surroundings.

Her eyes lock with mine and with help from the side of the wall she gets up. 

"Bitch!" She yells and charges towards me.

My blood boils as I push her down onto the ground, Tyler and Troye gasping.

"What is wrong with you? Why would you bring Dan here and try and kill us?" Tyler says getting confident.

"You ruined everything, you stupid bitch! Life was amazing until you came around. You and Dan weren't a thing and him and I were as close as ever. But of course..." She gave me a dirty look and stepped closer towards me.

"Why not move on?" I ask, my voice cracking out of fear.

"Why would I move on from someone like Dan? He's hot, caring, a risk taker and he's just bad. He belongs with me, we get each other like no other!" I rolled my eyes, not understanding where she's getting this from.

"I dont think so" I said staring into her eyes. That seemed to be a breaking point for her because her fist flew into the side of my face, knocking me to the ground.

Tyler and Troye pushed her back and against the wall before she could do anything else.

They helped me up and ran out the door. We ran down the long hallway until we reached the opening to the basement. 

Tyler and Troye were first out and I was last. I managed to crawl out and run towards the door of the house.

Dan and Zoe were by the car and quickly got in when they saw us running.

"What happened??" Dan asks, his gaze finding the bruise on my face. "Aubrey!?" He exclaims, "No time to explain we need to get the police" I said dialling 911 on my phone.

I told them everything, our location and Bianca. They arrived within 15 minutes, asking us to get out of the car.

They asked me a bunch of questions as they did the rest of my friends. This took about an hour and not long after they went into the house, they were coming out the front door with Bianca in handcuffs.

I sighed, not having to worry about being murdered or anything. I went up to Dan and kissed him softly on the lips.

"Are you okay?" I ask quietly. 

He nods giving a kiss to my forehead. I lay my head on his chest feeling his heartbeat.

That really was something I've never been through before and definitely an experience with positive and negatives. 

"Shall we go home?" Dan asks, everyone agrees and gets in the car.

We arrive home not forgetting to check out of our hotel along the way. 

All of us were tired and just wanted to get some sleep. Luckily with the drama that's ended we can finally get a good nights rest. 

Dan carries me in his arms up to my room, Tyler, Troye and Zoe all go their separate ways into their bedrooms. 

We lay on the bed, me tangled up against his body. That was the easiest way to fall asleep.

𝐛𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝑫𝒂𝒏 𝑯𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒍𝒍 | 𝐚𝐮Where stories live. Discover now