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[Chapter Seven]

What did I agree to watch. Oh yea, Insidious.

I curled up into Dan's chest and dug my face further into his shirt.

"Are you scared love?" He asks sweetly.

"Um no" I coo.

He chuckles lightly and hugs my side tighter.

A while into the movie I was actually enjoying it. I hid at some parts but for the most of it, I was cool. It was getting late and I know my brothers and sister (Zoe, Tyler and Troye) will throw a fit if I'm not home soon.

I get up from the couch and walk to my purse.

"Thanks Dan" I smile.

"No problem beautiful" My cheeks just blew up.

"No really, I like this side of you" He chuckles.

"Thanks" He says before walking me to the door.

"Oh and one more thing" I say before locking my lips with his. He seemed a bit shocked at first but he quickly kissed back. Suddenly my tongue traces his bottom lip, him repeating my actions.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as his hands creep around my waist.

We pull away for air, smiling like idiots.

He chuckles out before saying, "That was nice" I giggle and peck him on the lips.

"Thank you" I say before heading out of the flat.

I was smiling the whole way home, like I was so happy that night. I walked into the flat to see Tyler sitting at the bar stool.

"AUBY!" He squeals hugging me.

"Is Aubrey back?" I hear from the lounge.

"Yup" I call, before I see Troye rushing into the kitchen.

"Heyyy" He says poking me.

"Oh no, what do you guys want" They laugh and playfully push me.

"We want to know what happened, duh" Tyler exclaims flinging a hand.

"Fine fine, let me get changed first" I laugh before entering my room.

I grab a pair of pj pants and a white tank top and quickly change out of the outfit Zoe gave me.

"Okay" I say heading into the kitchen.

"Okay, tell us everything" They squeal like little girls.

I chuckle before telling them everything.

"OH MY GOD!" Tyler screams, scaring me.

"YOU FRENCHIED HIM?" Troye squeaks clapping his hands.

I turn bright red.

"Um pff I-" I was interrupted by a very happy Tyler, "Did you guys, you know" He winked.

"EW TYLER!" Troye says pushing him off the bar stool.

"IT WAS A QUESTION!" He exclaims.

"No we didn't but I really liked the date and I kinda want to do it again some time" They both hold hands and jump around squealing.

"Oh lord, whats wrong with you two?" I laugh plopping on the sofa.

"I can see the wedding invites" I again, turn bright red.

"TYLER!" I scream, shaking my head.

"Wait" He says, Troye and I starring at him confused, "Are you his girlfriend?" I blush lightly and shake my head, "I don't know actually, I guess we'll find out" I smile before heading to bed.

"Night crazies" I yell before heading to bed.

I've been awoken by a large object sitting on the end of my bed

"Troye?" I question sitting up.

"Yea, breakfast is ready" He says.

I sit up and get out of bed.

"Thank you love" I say before ushering him out so I can get changed.

I change into a peach dress that flows just above my knees. It had thick straps and doesn't necessarily cover my large cleavage. Whatever.

I decide to throw my hair up into a messy ponytail because why not, and apply some eyeliner and mascara. And freaking lip gloss.

I don't feel the need to put concealer and coverage on because I take pretty good care of my face, so there's no need to.

And why over do it?

I walk down to the kitchen to find Tyler and Troye have left for school because they're always late for Thursday classes. I spot Zoe watching T.V while eating cereal.

"Hey Zoe" I say grabbing a bowl.

"Hey Auby, sorry I fell asleep last night. We were playing 'who can wait for Aubrey' the longest and I guess I lost" She giggles.

"It's fine, I told them everything"

She smiles, "Now tell me, what happened."

I told her everything, from the cuddling during the movie to the make out session in the hallway.

By the time I was finished we had to leave.

"You two are going to be married" She squeals, me rolling my eyes.

"Lets go before we're late" I say grabbing my purse.

We arrive at school and walk inside. But when we walk through the doors two large arms wrap around Zoe and I.

Oh fuck.

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