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Admiring the blood red roses my husband had gotten me, I placed them down next to our memorable wedding picture on my desk. It was my birthday, and Channing did not forget to buy me the enticing turtles I personally adored and red roses I've always envied in magazines.

I hadn't noticed I was still staring at them, until my client, Christopher walked in. I dimly smiled at his slick appearance. An Armani suit, it appeared, fitted his muscular body perfectly, the many tattoos I've always wondered about leaked where his hands showed, which perfectly blended with his light skin. His big nerdy, yet stylish, glasses sat at the tip of his nose as he closed my office doors behind him.

"Happy birthday, Robyn", his dimples creased just the right way as his pearly white teeth aligned into a smile. I returned the gesture, extending my hand out in the direction of his normal chair so he could take a seat.

"Thank you."

"Enjoying the roses?" He sat down in front of me, clawing his hands together into a fist.

"Indeed. Channing -"

"I figured they were every woman's favorites, haha. And the turtles as well. My mother was in love with those little chocolates", he chuckled under his breath, grinning at the sight of the flowers, then making eye contact with me.

I frowned in confusion, shifting in my seat.

"Ah, I know. You didn't check the note. Well, it's in there. Sincerely, yours truly. No need to thank me, that's the least I could do for my match maker on her birthday."

I let out a sigh, standing to my feet, walking over to the floor-to-ceiling window, just staring out of it, sunshine blinded me, but I didn't care.

The second year Channing has forgotten my birthday. It never fails. A sense of shock, hurt, and anger went through my body.

Seconds later, I heard footsteps and a presence behind me. I knew it was Chris, of course.

"He forgot your birthday, didn't he?" His baritone voice filled my ears as he stood behind me.

"I thought we would not mention my personal life, Christopher. This is not appropriate, and honestly, none of your business,"I snapped without looking back.

"I'm supposed to find you a girlfriend, my job requires it; I'm a match maker for crying out loud. It-it's just besides things we need to talk about. I'm here to focus on you,"I expresed.

"You're too special," his minty breath hit my exposed neck, sending uncontrollable tingles down my spine.

"Excuse me?" I asked, my eyebrows creased in confusion.

"You're too special for him not to acknowledge you, Robyn. I want to meet him-"

"Christopher, stop-"

"On one hand," I felt Chris toy with one of my large curls as he spoke.

"I really wonder who this guy is, and how special he is to have gotten you."

"Mr. Brown," I advised becoming impatient.

"On the other hand," he walked closer to me, a shock of excitement sprang through my fingers, feeling his body almost on mine.

"I wonder, does he know it? I wonder, does he challenge you mentally. Does he bring out the best in you, well, does he even notice you anymore? If I had a fine woman like yourself, I wouldn't miss a thing."


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