Chapter Ten

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Wordplay, turns into gun play

And gun play turns into pillow talk

And pillow talk turns into sweet dreams

Sweet dreams turns into coffee in the morning

I munched on my morning homemade parfait as I relaxed to sound of Miguel in the morning. I enjoyed his musical genre. It was very calming. His other songs were jumpy and enthusiastic so I listened to those at the right times.

"Morning, morning!" Ava chimed, the clinking of her heels caused me to sit up.

"Good morning, Ava, coffee for me?" Ava shook her head.

"No coffee breath this morning, I'll explain why," Ava smiled widely.

"Chris would like to invest in the company because of you. He's had more items of Black Pyramid sold and he's thinking of making the company go public. An initial public offering is very nice for him and I'm happy he is."

"That's great. Well uh- will we still meet?"

"Yes of course, I just got that information though and I was so excited to tell you. Chris has also requested for you to come along with him to his upcoming photo shoots. They're not too far I believe. So what do you think?" Ava asked sipping her coffee.

"I'm very happy for him and the career he's beginning but it is a lot. I have stuff to take care of around here as well, my files -"

"Madame Rose said I'll take those tasks on. While you work with Chris, you're all his. Remember his offer in the beginning. Just a word of advice. Because you're going to be around people above you financially and socially, I think your appearance-"

"Ava. I know, you're always talking about the way I dress. Whether it's my hair, my clothing or my shoes. I get it. I don't dress like you. I honestly think I look great, I always look great. I'm not a normal woman, I usually don't wear dresses and nothing is wrong with that. But please respect how I look, that's all I ask of you. "

"I'm always here if you need any fashion advice, mmkay?" I rolled my eyes as Ava turned towards the door in which Chris walked in.

"Morning, Chris." Ava greeted him.

"Good morning, Ava." He spoke in his baritone voice. Ava kissed his cheek, he kissed hers as they walked past each other. Ava smiled at me as she left. I just shrugged it off.

"Good morning, Robyn. You look beautiful as usual." Chris complimented as he took his normal seat. I thanked him before sitting across from him.

"Good morning to you too. How have you been since our last visit?"

"I've been feeling optimistic, that's for sure."

"I heard about your career upgrades, congratulations, I'm very excited for you. An IPO is always great."

"Thank you, thank you. Anyways, from what I understand, we both have a strong love for music. When will I be able to hear your talent? Better yet, why did you choose this career to pursue in?" Chris questioned gazing into my eyes. I broke the contact shifting in my seat.

"Oh, no. I sing but I don't. Singing is just a hobby, you know? I had to live up to the Cold hard truth that the big bucks aren't created off of a singing career. I had to own up and realize that you can't make a living off of that-"

"If you're worth the attention of the outside, sure you can. You're sexy, your smile is breath-taking-"

"Enough of the compliments-" Chris cut me off.

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