Chapter Fifteen

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I smiled awkwardly across the room to Rakim, who was sitting in the chair in front of my desk.

"You have a beautiful smile." Rakim complimented me.

I slowly took my smile off of my face. This can not turn into another Christopher.

"Thank you... So, has Ava helped you much?" I asked, turning it into business talk.

"She's been trying to help me, but I think after seeing you I've just set my standards even higher." Rakim slyly smirked at me.

No. No. The way this is heading is just a big no. I have enough guilt, shame and already confused enough with Channing And Chris, I don't need Rakim joining in too.

"Uh, Rakim, let's please keep this business like." I requested with a soft expression.

"My bad, you're just a very stunning young lady, has anyone ever told you that?"

Chris has told me that, many times. I still feel bad for what happened with me and Chris earlier, I don't want him to think I'm using him or trying to play games with him. Just me and Channing have been married for six years, before that, we were best friends. Channing and I have a strong history. I can't just let go of that. Even if right now I'm happier with Chris, that might just be temporarily.

"Yes, my husband tells me that all the time." I hinted to him, even though it was a lie.

"Husband, huh?" He spoke disappointedly.

"That makes me feel better in a way, it explains why you are shooting me down."

"Yeah." I awkwardly laughed as I didn't really know what to say back.

"It's cool, I respect that. I'll try and stop with the flirting."

I mentally thanked him. I didn't need more flirting drama. If Chris saw Rakim flirting with me it'll probably make him even more annoyed with me. I hope he doesn't stop talking to me forever, I liked his company, even just as friends. Even though I know now it can be just friends, not after the moment we shared together. That feeling we had was far too good to forget.

"I'm back." Ava called out as she entered into my office.

I didn't waste no time to get all my things and work my way out the office. I don't want to get caught up with them two.

"Where are you going?" Ava asked me curiously.

"To have my break." I told her as I left the office.

Instead of going to get lunch, I drove into the opposite direction, driving to Christopher's house. I did my research and found his address, but it was no different than Chris doing his own studying to find my number a while back.

I needed to talk to him. I didn't want him to think of me as a hoe or a player. I tried for the longest to try and not cheat, but he always made it so hard, tempting me all of the time. He thought we were just going to have amazing sex and I would just drop my husband? I needed to ease into it, make up my mind before I started making huge changes and adjustments like that. I never planned on even thinking about divorcing Channing. It was difficult to begin having those thoughts.

I pulled up to Chris's house to see another car outside, added to all of Chris' cars. He must of brought a new one. I walked up to his doorstep, knocking a couple of times before waiting for an answer. It took a few minutes until Chris opened the door shirtless. I couldn't help but take a quick look at his toned chest and chiseled abs, once I took a glimpse, I quickly looked back up to his face.

"Yes Robyn?" He sighed in annoyance.

I could tell he was hiding back a sly smirk though, he knew I was looking at him, how could I not?

"Chris we need to seriously talk-"

"Talk about what?" He snapped angrily.

"If I keep spending time with you I'm going to attract to you more, and I don't want to get hurt. So, I think we should just stop here because I already know you won't divorce Charter."

"His name is Channing!" I snapped in anger and irritation.

"His name isn't important to me, he isn't important to me. Kind of like how you aren't important to him, right?" Chris smartly questioned.

I sighed as I thought deeply. I couldn't lie, I liked Chris too. I have been trying to fight the feelings for so long but I just couldn't anymore. However, what Chris didn't understand was that I couldn't just divorce Channing like that, or break his heart.  If he found out what I've done, he would be crushed. Also, somewhere I still had feelings for Channing, they just needed to be rebooted. I needed to find that excitement in our marriage which we lost, but it seemed impossible.

"I can't just up and leave Channing, it isn't that simple." I explained.

What if I divorced Channing and got with Chris? What if I started missing what I had with Channing? What if things with I and Chris changed? I know right now I want and need Chris, but what if in the future I need Channing? 

"I know but I'm not waiting around for something which may not happen." Chris stated.

"I understand that, I do, Chris. I'm just so confused with what I'm feeling-"

"What do you want Robyn?-" Chris asked as he crept his way closer to me.

"Chris I don't know. It's always been Channing, but then my body needs you-"

"No buts. Let me make you happy, Robyn. Just be officially mine. I can do more than just please your body."

He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him, I felt the usually spark. He makes it so hard.

"Chris, are you coming back to bed?!" I heard a familiar female voice shout from inside the house.

I unwrapped myself from Chris's embrace, moving away from so I could look at his face.

"Who's that?" I asked in confusion and a hint of jealousy.

"Cassie." He answered.

He's been here lecturing me about not leaving my husband yet he has a side piece? He didn't even wait that long after he left me to bring a girl to his house?

"You want me to be yours yet you're somebody else's?" I questioned.

"I'm not hers. I told you I wasn't waiting around. But if you want me and just me, you know I would drop her in a heartbeat."

I believed what Chris was saying. I couldn't get mad, we weren't together. But I couldn't help but think after the moment we shared in the shower .... did he go back home and make love to her the same way? Does he make Cassie feel special, does he treat her like he treats me?

"I need to get back to work." I told him.

Before I could walk away, Chris pulled me back gently by my arm.

"A week." Chris spoke plainly.


"You can have me and Channing for a week, you can really think about who you want. But after that week, it's either me or him. I can't waste anymore time on nothing."

A week. How can I decide in a week? I understood him though, he wanted to have a woman he could call his own. I knew I wouldn't want to share him. I guess I'd have a week.

"Okay." I agreed.

- Kim.

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