Chapter Four

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I was going to wait for Channing but I'm too hungry and it's just turned 11pm. I got two plates out and evenly separated the Chinese takeout onto our plates. I poured two glasses of Coke-Cola too. I took a seat at the dining room table, didn't take long for me to start eating the food down.

I pulled out my phone and rang Channing a couple of times, in the end I gave up listening to the voicemail machine so I went to text him but he walked through the front door just as I went too.

"I'm home!" He shouted, shortly his presence came into the kitchen.

"There's food over there." I told him as I pointed to his plate, taking another bite from my food after.

"I have already eaten." He replied to me, giving me a kiss on the cheek. "I'm going to go bed."

"Channing!" I called for him before he left the room. "Can you come a sit down and talk to me for a bit."

I gave him pleading puppy dog eyes, he sighed and took a seat opposite of me. I don't get to see him much as we both work a lot, and I knew it was late then but I just wanted to talk to my husband for once.

"So, how was your day?" He asked starting the conversation.

"Busy." I paused. "Trying to find Mr Brown a lady is harder than I thought. Also, this crazy thing happened though when I left work earlier tonight. This dirty old geezer was trying to feel me up but Chris came to my rescue." I smiled at the last part.

"Really, what did he do?" Channing asked casually.

"Chris punched him a few times, literally making the man run away. After, Chris waited until I drove off, he made sure I was safe." I spoke, taking another bite from my food.

Channing chuckled lightly, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Don't you think that's a bit over the top?" Channing asked as he calmed down his laughing.

"No he was protecting-"

"Anyway, my work day was even crazier. I had a quick break to get dinner but besides from that I was just straight out working. Inventory needed to be stocked, and many people came through." He rambled on.

I sighed in annoyance as I got up from the table, placing my finished plate and drink in the sink. Did he even listen to what I was saying? Did he even care?

"What's wrong with you baby?" Channing asked as he made me his way towards me.

"I was telling you about my day and you cut me off to talk about yourself." I admitted.

I turned around to come face-to-face with Channing. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling my body into his.

"I listened to your story. Just wanted to tell you about my day too." He told me.

He slowly moved his hands down my waist, he stopped once his hands were resting on my ass. He passionately kissed my lips, I kissed back but when he tried to slip his tongue in I moved my face away.

"I'm not in the mood, I'm tired." I truthfully told him, I just want to crawl into bed and go to sleep, it's been a long day.

"We haven't made love in ages though." He complained.


He cut me off by crashing his lips back onto mine. I gave in and kissed him back sloppy. I rested my hands on his shoulder, I just placed them there, I didn't have much effort in me to do anything else. He disconnected our lips so he could speak.

"Let's go to the bedroom." He whispered.

I nodded in agreement, giving up. I followed behind him, picking my phone up from the kitchen cabinet on the way. Once we were in the bedroom he didn't take long to strip out of his clothes, I took of my clothes too and flopped onto the bed. This is really not turning me on. I just feel like a object he is going to have sex with. But it's normal. We love each other so this is what we have to do.

He went to the drawer and pulled out a condom rolling it down on to him, he turned on somehow though. It's been a long time since we done this, we just never really make time for each other's. I wish it wasn't tonight though, I'm just really not in the mood.

He climbed on top of me and didn't waste anytime to place himself inside of me. It took a while for him to get into me ,though, as I wasn't wet which made it harder to slid in. But after a few grunts and forcing he was inside of me, I moved around a bit to make it more comfortable down there.

He placed his hands on either side of me to balance himself as he stroked. He moved further down placing his face in-between the crook of my neck. He groaned a bit as he fucked me, I faked some moans here and there to make him feel better about himself.

"You feel even tighter than last time." He grunted as he thrusted into me.

"It's been a long time." I breathed.

He started to go in harder, some real moans slipped out, I finally started to feel wet. As I was getting wetter the strokes where becoming faster and easier. I wrapped my arms around Channing's neck, holding onto him as he thrusted quickly and harder each second.

"Shit, I'm gonna cum already." He moaned as he kept going.

I wasn't close to cumming yet but if he keeps doing this I will be. He slowed down and started to become weaker, he'd be coming any time soon. I decide to take things into my own hands, I removed one of my hands from Channing's neck and placed it on top of my paradise. Rubbing on it fast and hard, trying to speed up my orgasm so I could cum near Channing's time.

"Shit." He groaned as his movements started to become slow.

Just as I thought, a few seconds later he busted inside of the condom, falling onto me after. He stayed in me as he breathed heavily, trying to catch his breath. I kept rubbing on myself as I could feel myself inch towards my climax.

"Move your hips a bit, I'm, I'm s-so close." I moaned as I kept going.

He forced himself back up, stroking a few more times, very slowly. Me, though, I kept pumping inside of myself with my fingers. I was doing what I was doing, until I finally reached my pleasure peak.

"Uh, ah." I breathed heavily.

Channing rolled out of me and flopped down besides me. I removed my fingers but I kept my hand resting there for a while. I just laid there for a few more seconds until I got up to go to the bathroom.

I went to shut the bathroom door but Channing came in to. He sat down on the toilet and began using it. I just ignored it and got some washing wipes, cleaning myself up a bit, feeling completely too tired to actually , I'm too tired right now. Once that was all done, I walked back into the bedroom to leave Channing in peace.

I jumped into bed, pulling the covers around me. Before I went to sleep, I took my phone and placed it on charge. There was an unknown message from someone. I unlocked my phone and went onto messages.

Good night, beautiful.


I read it a few times, blinking my eyes exaggeratedly, still in shock that my client sent me a goodnight text. How did he even get my number? I decided not to text back however, I saved his number under 'Christopher'.

I felt the bed lower and the covers move a bit. I locked my phone and placed it back on my side table. I turned over in the bed to be greeted by Channing's back, I snuggled up behind him, wrapping my arm around as much of him as I can. Shortly, I fell asleep.


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