Chapter Six

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I scrolled through some of my files, trying to match someone up to Chris, he watched me across the table as I did. I stopped looking when I came across one light skinned woman, who had same similar interests as Chris'.

"Rebecca, twenty three, light skinned at the height of 5'3ft. She enjoys working out and having evening walks. The man she's looking for is just like you I inquire, I think it could be a match." I smiled as I told Chris.

He looked plainly at me as I handed over some pictures of her. He looked at them for a few seconds with an unpleasant expression then gave them back to me.

"No. She's not as beautiful as you, not even close." Chris spoke back as he shook his head in disappointment.

I sighed in annoyance. When is he going to know he can't have me? He does know I'm married, I have mentioned it enough times.

"You didn't really look at the photos. She has an amazing body and a-"

"Her body is no where near as perfect as yours. I want someone just as amazing as you, I just don't think it's possible though." He smirked as he stared deeply into my eyes.

After a few seconds I managed to look away from his gripping stare, focusing back on my files. This is going to be a lot harder than I imagined.

"How about we try again tomorrow? It's getting pretty late." I spoke softly as I looked at my watch to see it was coming close to 10pm.

"It's already closing time?" He sadly spoke. "Time flies when I'm with you... I enjoy your company Robyn." He admitted as he smiled at me.

How do I reply to that? I just smiled politely as we both got up from our seats. He walked over to the office door, opening it up for me, allowing me to walk through first as he held the door. Then he walked out, closing the door behind me.

"Thank you." I shyly spoke as I noticed his body was close to mine.

I awkwardly smiled stepping away from him, he chuckled lightly as he noticed my nervousness. I turned around and headed outside to the car park, Chris following behind me.

"It's late, let me drive you home?" Chris asked me in concern.

I turned around to look at him, thinking whether or not to say yes. He had already taken me to breakfast, it's only a ride home. However, what am I going to do about my car?

"What about my car? I'll be fine I'll just drive-

"I'll pick you up in the morning, maybe I could take you out for food again? It's dark, let me drive you home." He begged with a soft facial expression.

"Uh, sure." I agreed, letting a little smile spread across my face.

He grinned as he lead us to his other car which was a red-orange Lamborghini. I thanked him as I got into the car, buckling up my seat belt. I checked my phone quickly to see no new messages, very normal. I put my phone back in my pocket when Chris got in.

"Where is your house located?" He asked.

"Surprising you don't know it by now, you found out my phone number," I giggled a bit watching as Chris snickered shaking his head.

"Very funny, Robyn."

"I'm kidding, Chris." I eased up my laughing as I told him where my apartment was, then we were on our way.

"No listening to music this time, how about we talk some more about you?" Chris suggested as he turned off the radio.

"As I said before I'm not very interesting." I plainly spoke.

"I have been around you a lot recently Robyn, from personal experience, I can say you're a very inserting and interesting woman." He protested.

I dazed out the window thinking about what makes me so interesting. Chris is the interesting one.

"How so?" I tested.

"You're intelligent, you're beautiful inside and out, you have long-term goals, and you have a bright future." He placed his hand on my knee, making me turn my eyes to him as he concentrated on the road.

"I want to be with you every step of the way because I know soon you will be where you want to be. You deserve it." He explained.

He always says the perfect words. So hard not to fall into his charming trap.

"Thank you..." I spoke softly as I turned my attention to the outside darkness.

His hand stayed resting on my knee, it didn't feel awkward or uncomfortable so I didn't say anything. Besides we shortly pulled up to my house, he parked in my driveway.

"Thank you for the ride, I'll see you in the morning." I thanked him as I got out of his car.

I started walking up to my door but noticed Chris was following behind me. I stopped walking, turning around to face him.

"Sorry, you know you can't come in right? It's late and my husband-"

"I know, I know." He softly chuckled. "I was just walking you to your door."

I nodded my head and turned around in embrassement. He just wants to be a gentlemen, I told myself.

"Well, thank you again." I awkwardly told him.

Usually this is when they kiss but my husband was on the other side of the door so that was definitely out of the question. I don't know what to do at this point, just waiting for Chris to leave. Chris went to say something until the front door opened, Channing standing there with a confused smile on his face.

"This is the husband you constantly tell me about?" Chris asked me as he held his hand out for a handshake to Channing.

"That will be me, you are?" Channing asked as he accepted the handshake.

"This is Chris, the one I told you about before?" I reminded Channing.

"Oh, yeah, Christopher Brown. Nice to meet you. Your work is amazing." Channing smiled, opening the front door up more getting ready to go back inside.

"Happy sixth anniversary, you're a very lucky man." Chris congratulated.

I took my eyes off Chris too look at a red faced Channing, he look really embarrassed. Channing let out a awkward chuckle, probably just remembering what today was.

"Uh, yeah, thanks." Channing rubbed the back of his neck as he looked down at the floor.

"See you Chris."

I waved to Chris then walked into the house. I went to walk straight to the bedroom but Channing called out for me.

"I'm sorry babe, just been busy, I didn't mean to forget." Channing quickly apologised.

I turned around to face him, not even bothered. I let out a soft sigh before speaking.

"It's alright. Besides it's not the first time you have forgotten."


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