Chapter Twenty Seven

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"Babe, are you sure you have to leave me all alone in this big house by my little ole self?" I whined holding onto Chris's arm tightly as he looked down at me on the bed in sincerity.

"Robyn, baby, I have to go and check on the store. I told you it'll only be for an hour."

"How about we wait another hour, and in that hour, we can cuddle?" I frowned as Chris gently held my face.

"I will only be gone an hour, not 59 minutes nor 61 minutes. I will be back here and I will cuddle with you until you don't wanna cuddle anymore. I promise, okay?" I sighed nodding as Chris lifted my chin up and planted a wet kiss on my lips.

I instantly smiled, and Chris let go of me, putting on a pair of air Jordan 2s that matched along with the Bape jacket and jeans he had on. His sense of style was amazing, and everything he wore always seemed to impress me more than the outfit before.

"I love you." Chris smiled kissing my nose. I smiled back laying my head on a pillow.

"I love you, too." I stated as Chris went downstairs and after a few moments, I heard the front door close.

I sighed laying on my back. It was already lonely without Chris here with me, but his huge mansion made everything feel more spaced out and isolated.

I got out of bed and made my way down to the kitchen. I was in the mood for creating a large breakfast, and Chris would have been home in an hour so the food would be done by then.

I walked to the fridge and looked in confusion then grinned. There was a piece of lined paper with a snow white rose taped to it. I detached the paper and rose from the fridge and opened the note. It read:

"Just a friendly reminder of how beautiful you are. You are beautiful, baby, and I love you Robyn. When you were asleep, I made you some breakfast... it's in the microwave. Enjoy, gorgeous."

I felt the tightness of my cheeks as I blushed deeply. Chris always knew how to make me happy. Even with little notes like those.

I put the flower up to my nose and inhaled the sweet scent with a permanent grin plastered on my face. After putting the rose down, I opened the microwave and nearly melted.  Chris had prepared Belgian waffles, sunny side up eggs, and bacon. He was so caring.

I was actually more happy than usual that I saw food, so I began eating immediately

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I was actually more happy than usual that I saw food, so I began eating immediately. Everything tasted better than usual for some odd reason.  After eating, I washed my plate and decided to watch a little television.  I instantly turned on Little Women: Atlanta excitedly, it was my favorite tv show because those little women had so much going on. 

Thirty minutes into watching tv, my stomach began to bubble and I rushed to the bathroom, releasing everything that I had eaten for breakfast into the toilet.

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