Chapter Thirteen

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Once I left the showers, I headed straight back home. My legs were too sore to go on the treadmill. What Chris and I did was my workout.

I felt slightly awkward as I was leaving him, because I instantly started to feel guilty but in a weird way,I didn't regret what I did. That was the best sex of my life, right in a shower; so different and exciting. However, once I left Chris at Planet Fitness, Channing's face came into my mind right away. I started feeling so bad, but it feel so right at the time.

I got out of my car, locking it up. After, I then made my way into the house. At least when Channing saw all my skin wet he wouldn't think it was from shower sex.

"I'm home!" I shouted as I closed the front door behind me.

I heard laughing coming from the living room, so I frowned my eyebrows together in confusion. I made my way into the room to see Channing chuckling away at the television.

"I'm home." I repeated as he didn't seem to hear me the first time.

"Oh, hey." He replied as he kept his eyes on the screen.

I sighed in the usual way. I got used to him paying more attention to the television than me. I walked out of the room and went into my bedroom, placing my fitness bag onto the floor.

I took a twenty minute shower to wash off Chris. Then getting my hair dryer out to dry my hair, I did a ten minute comb through until my hair was dry and manageable. Then I placed it up into a messy ponytail after.

I got into some track suit bottoms and a baggy white t-shirt, I went to join Channing in the living room but he entered into the bedroom instead.

"How was your workout?" He asked as he stripped down into his boxers.

"Good." I lied;!it was actually more than good.

The guilt feeling started to creep back again. What if he ever finds out? I don't want him to think of me as a hoe. Chris is just very tempting and it was hard to say no to him when my body was screaming yes.

Chris is extremely charming with his words, and he's got a special touch that does something to me. It's as if he takes control of my body and I just can't say no. I did it the other times, but I couldn't hold out. Not anymore.

"Good... I'm going bed, I have a long day of work tomorrow." Channing yawned as he got underneath the bed sheets.

I got my phone from my bag to see a text message from Chris, surprisingly.

Hope you had fun tonight beautiful 😉. - Christopher.

I felt a smile and blush appear on my face. With the many times he's called me beautiful, it still never got old.

"You coming to bed?" Channing asked lowly in a tired tone.

I snapped out of my Christopher daze as I quickly deleted Chris's message quick then placed my phone on the side. How could I text Chris back when my man is waiting behind me?

"Yeah." I replied as I turned off the bedroom light.

I made my way slowly through the darkness, feeling out for the bed. I got in then crawled up to Channing, I rested my head on his chest as his arm wrapped around my waist. We didn't cuddle much so I really treasured and loved moments like these. However, I didn't have the same loving feeling today as all I could feel was more and more guilt.

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