Chapter Twenty One

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Waking up to the sound of my alarm clock buzzing is beyond irritating. I quickly turned it off as I didn't want to wake Chris up. I turned over in the bed to see Chris laying on his back, mouth a gap slightly as he snored quietly. I couldn't help but smile at his cuteness.

I usual lay around in bed for ten minutes, scrolling through social media on my phone but I needed to go for a toliet, because I've already got up, I just started to get ready for work today. I got dressed quicker than usual, so I had some spare time to prepare a morning breakfast for Chris & I. Breakfast in bed for him, it's around half nine so I won't be waking him up too early. Once that was ready I made him some orange juice then went back into the bedroom, I walked in to see him in the same position still.

"Chris..." I softly called out to him.

I placed his food on the side, then I lent down and gave him a few kisses on his lips.

"Mhmm." He hummed. "Morning."

His morning voice was hundred percent a turn on to me, but I dint have time for all that this morning.

"Morning, baby. I made you some breakfast." I told him.

He rubbed the back of his hand against his eyes before he tiredly opened them, looking deeply into mine.

"Thanks... I'll eat it in a bit, I'm tired." Chris stated.

"Don't leave it for too long, it will go cold." I told him, that's when I remembered my food.

I made my way back into the kitchen, grabbing my breakfast and taking it back into the bedroom. As I walked back in I saw Chris falling back asleep again. I took a seat next to the bed, on one of his little sofas. He partially has a living room in his bedroom, Chris wasn't lying about him having money.

"Chris." I called out to him again.

"I'm awake, I'm just resting my eyes." He mumbled.

"Yeah, you really do sound awake." I giggled lightly afterwards.

He sat up in the bed and finally fully opening his eyes, he also give me a small little smile too.

"Thanks for the breakfast, babe." He thanked me again, as he started eating.

"What you going to do today? You going to continue working with the company again?" I questioned.

"I'm just going to relax today, I'm so tired... And on the business,  I will probably invest, but I'm going to be working with Madame Rose, you too big of a distraction for me." He informed me.

I was happy Chris is joining the company again, now Madame Rose won't dislike me for nearly loosing Chris. Also, that means I can still see Chris occasionally at work.

"Tell her I will see her tomorrow about it, for today, I'm not doing shit." Chris stated.

"Why you so tired today?" I asked him.

He just shrugged his shoulders and carried on eating.


"Robyn, I am so pleased with your new look, it took you some time but you finally took my advice." Ava greeted me outside my office.

I think Chris is the reason for my new look. I feel more confident and like a women, all thanks to Chris.

"Thanks, Ava." I kept it simple.

I have came familiar with Ava always commenting on my look.

Ava gave me a couple of new business messages then I went into my office. Today is going to be a long boring day. I know it's going to feel longer than usual because I already can't wait to go home, because I know who I'm going home too. Also, nothing exciting is happening at work today, the whole morning is going to be spent on doing some paper work.

For three hours straight I finally got caught up on all my paper work, scheduled my next couple of weeks. I feel organised and relaxed now.

There was a knock at my door, I got up and walked over to the door. Feels good to finally be standing up, been sitting down for too long. I opened the door to see Ava standing there with a bunch of pretty flowers in her hand.

"These where sent to you." Ava told me as she passed them over.

I smiled as I took them from her, must be from Chris. His such a charmer.

I smiled. "Thank you."

Ava nodded then walked off, I closed my office door back up then went over to my desk. I removed my old flowers, placing them in the bin then I put my new flowers into the vase. I saw a little note at the top, I took it out and read.

To Robyn,
I miss you... I'm sorry I will give you all the attention you need and I love you so much, come back home to your husband, please.

- Channing.

I was in shock, I honestly thought they was from Chris. Why didn't Channing ever do these cute things when we was together? It's too late now, I'm happy with somebody else. I forgot about him for a bit as I have been so happy in my new life.

I took the flowers back out of the vase and placed them in the bin too. I can't keep the flowers, now that I know who they are from.

I decide to take a earlier lunch than usual, I wanted to go back to see Chris, I miss him already. I informed Ava that I will be back shortly, then I went down to the parking lot, got in my car then drove back home to Chris. It's afternoon now so he should finally be awake, fully awake. I drove as quickly as I could, listening to some music on the way back. I finally approached Chris', parking up next to one of his many cars.

"Chris!" I called out to him as I entered inside the house.

It was silent. Did he go out? I wondered through the house. I walked into the bedroom, no where to be seen.

Then I saw his bathroom light on, I walked in to see him sitting next to the toliet. He didn't look good, he looked at me then quickly got up, leaning over the toilet as he started to be sick.

"Baby." I cooed.

I crouched down next to him, rubbing his back. He tried to move me away, but I feel so sad that he wasn't well.

Once he was down, he washed his face and hands over the sink.

"I don't want you to get sick too." Chris told me.

"It's okay. Do you want me to get you some medicine from the shop? Or make you a drink or something?" I asked him worryingly.

"No, babe, I'm good." He tried to reassure me.

"You're clearly not fine, Chris, I just watched you be sick."

"Everyone gets sick, it be gone by tomorrow, don't worry." He spoke.

He left the bedroom, walking back into the bedroom, me following behind him. He wrapped himself back up into bed, explains why he was so tired this morning.

I grabbed him a bucket, placing it by his bed just in chase he doesn't make it to the bathroom in time. Also, I got a little cup of water, just to wash the horrible taste down.

"Just sip. Are you sure you don't want me to get you anything?" I asked him again.

He gave me a weak smile before speaking. "I be fine, go back to work."

"I'm going to be worrying about you all day now. Make sure you text me if you need me, I mean it, Chris." I seriously told him.

"Yes, I will." He promised.

I kissed his forehead, even though he tried to make sure I didn't come too close. Afterwards, I just made myself a quick lunch then headed back to work.

I didn't tell him about Channing sending flowers as he has his own problems right now. Once his better and healthy again, I will tell him as I don't want there to be any secrets.

- Kim.

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