Chapter Seven

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A Week Later

Placing Channing's breakfast in the microwave, I took another sip of my coffee. It wasn't an ordinary day.

Today, I was in high hopes of matching Chris with a young, beautiful woman named Cassandra Ventura. I personally handpicked her because she seemed like a perfect match with Chris. And without a doubt, he'd give up his flirting ways with me and go for her.

I heard heavy footsteps come closer to me and then I felt muscular arms wrap around me.

"Morning, Robyn." Channing kissed my neck, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Good morning, husband. How did you sleep?" I placed my hands over his.

"I slept well. Wishing you didn't have to go into work today."

"I know, I do too. But, I have to, Channing. I think I found Chris the perfect woman," I exclaimed unwrapping his arms from around me then gathering my work bag and coat.

"I was going to make us-"

"Breakfast is already in the microwave for you, alright? I love you forever and ever, I'm out." I cut Channing off, leaving with everything I needed. Didn't mean to be disrespectful but I was very excited to introduce Cassandra and Chris today.

Once I made it to work, I walked into the building taking off my shades. I greeted everyone at the front desk on my way to my floor.

I walked to my office doors and someone bumped into me from the side.

"O-oh my goodness, I apologize!" I turned to face the person and to my surprise, it was Chris.

"It's fine, Robyn. How are you this morning? You look beautiful as usual." Chris complimented as I unlocked the door, the both of us walking in afterwards.

"Thank you, you look flattering as well. I'm happy you chose to look great today, because you are meeting someone."

"I'd rather stay here, talk to you more, how does that sound?" He questioned as I took off my coat placing my bags on my desk.

"It sounds very welcoming, but you will be meeting someone without a doubt today. Take a seat," I offered. Chris and I sat across from each other.

"So, I understand that you don't want anything to do with Rebecca, am I right?"

"I thought we went over this, Robyn-"

"Well, I have a proposition. I have chosen a fine woman for you, Chris. Her name is Cassandra. She's twenty eight, she's beyond beautiful, and she has a love for music. I think this may be the one for you." I smiled.

"Has anyone ever told you that your smile was strongly prepossessing? Your smile is very beautiful, continue to smile for me." Chris winked adjusting in his seat.

I chuckled awkwardly trying to bypass his sly compliment.

"I think you'll enjoy Cassandra's smile even more. She's been on the face of many magazines. When I tell you, I mean it, her figure is phenomenal. I'm actually ecstatic that I found her for you-"

"I don't care." Chris had a blank expression as he looked at the floor then back up at me. I sighed looking around the room.

"When you registered here, you agreed to let someone like myself assist you in finding love because you have trouble finding it on your own. You are to be matched with another person that does not work here. If you have a problem with that, then you can leave. I don't need you as a client, Chris, you seem like you fail to understand that." I spoke with anger.

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