Chapter Eighteen

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Typing the last words of my monthly inventory check, I hit save and closed my computer. This last week had been very intense and more than anything, prolonged. It was Friday and I relieved that it was close to ending.

"Good morning, Rob- oh my goodness, your hair, I love it!!" Ava walked into the room with some papers as she rushed over to me after looking at my newly dyed hair. I wanted something new so I decided to dye all of it black. I even shaved the side.

"Thank you, Ava, and good morning. What seems to be the problem?" I asked standing up.

"Your hair is gorgeous. But, I came to tell you that Madame Rose would like to see you in her office immediately. She says its urgent," Ava shrugged her shoulders.

"That wouldn't be a problem. Um, Ava? Have you heard any word on Chris and what his next moves are with the company?"

"As far as I know, he sees Madame Rose. I'm not sure, that's probably why Madame Rose would like to speak to you." I nodded simply exiting my office and walking down the hall to Madame Rose's.

I opened her golden colored office doors as I spotted her doing something on her Apple computer. She was so caught up she didn't see me until I spoke up.

"Madame Rose, you requested to see me?" I asked as she looked up and nodded.

"Ah, yes, Robyn. Please sit down, huh?" I sat down in one of the chairs in front of her large desk, probably twice the size as mine.

"So, what's going on?" I asked, folding my fingers together in my lap.

"Chris is going on, darling. I don't like how this is going, I hear you two have had an argument? He no longer wants to pursue in the company. He's on the verge of actually moving on, but I wanted to hear what you had to say about it."

"Madame Rose, with all do respect, in the business field, Chris and I are perfectly fine. Anything else is outside of work for a reason and I don't think it should be discussed." I explained back as Madame Rose shook her head.

"It should be discussed because your job is on the line." Madame Rose stood up. "Christopher Brown is beyond one of the most valuable investors this company has ever had any connections with. His choice of investment can either make or break this company and I don't want you to be in the way of that."

"Madame Rose, I'm totally aware-"

"Then if you understand, why has Chris chosen to change his mind? Robyn, you're young, very intelligent. Although this has to do with my company, do not get yourself into something you are not ready for."

"I have no idea what you are talking about-"

"I was once in your position. I do not have cameras anywhere in my building but I am not stupid. You have gotten close to Chris over the period of time he's been with us, huh? Do not get too close. One day you're the happiest woman in the world the next day? You're sitting all alone thinking about the things you took for granted. Listen to me when I tell you, it is not going to turn out pretty."

"Madame Rose, I prefer not to speak of my social life within the workplace."

"That's alright with me, Ms. Fenty. To make a long lectured story short, do not get in the way of my money because of something that could have been avoided but now you have no control over it. Got it? Thank you." And with that, Madame Rose sat back into her seat.

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