Chapter Twenty Eight

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"Miss? Can you hear me, miss?"

I flickered my eyes back into consciousness as I laid eyes on a young White woman looking at me with concern.

"Are you alright, ma'am?" The woman asked in a paramedic's suit. I nodded putting a hand on my forehead as she assisted me sitting up.

I observed my surroundings and I could tell I was in a hospital room.

"W-what happened?" I rubbed my aching head.

"You passed out about thirty minutes ago, ma'am. You are in the hospital now because you came to see your boyfriend, Christopher Brown." I bulged my eyes as I remembered.

"Chris! I really need to see him, get me out of this stuff." I attempted to remove the IV from my arm but it was not coming out.

"Ms. Fenty, I need you to calm down. Christopher is alright, he is alright. We just need to make sure you are alright."

"Just let me see him, alright? He was coughing, a-and he couldn't respond to me. I just want to s-see him, let me out!" I yelled a little as the woman checked something connected to my bed.

I began sweating, thinking of Chris and his health.

"Can you at least tell me what happened with him?" I pleaded.

"He would like to tell you on his own. Now when I remove the IV from your body, can you promise to stay calm?" The lady looked me in my eyes as I nodded my head.

"Alright," she took it out of my arm slowly. I sighed watching.

"Alright, what is your name?"

"Robyn Fenty. Can I see my boyfriend now?" I asked impatiently.

"Well, before, you do, I wanted to bring something to your attention. Now, while you arrived in our care, we believe you have transient overarousal. Do you know what that is?" She asked. I shook my head no.

"Well, transient overarousal is a type of stress disorder that you get when you're worked up about something. Sweaty palms, migraines, shortness of breath, and chest pains are some things you can experience when you are stressed. We still want to run a few tests to make sure our observations are as accurate as possible."

"What else does this disorder cause? Are there any types of medication I should take so it's tamed?" I asked.

"Well, yes, there is an over the counter medication that we can prescribe. The medication is to be taken once a week, because it is very aggressive and could lead to...." The woman trailed off.

"Lead to what?"

"Lead to possible miscarriage."

"Well, I can easily take the medication because me and my boyfriend aren't thinking about starting a family anytime soon. Where can I get the medication from?" I asked curiously.

"Ms. Fenty, I thought you would already know. You are three weeks pregnant." I choked on my own spit as I processed what she had said.

"Pregnant?" I asked for clarification.

"Yes. I thought you were already aware of your pregnancy."

"P-pregnancy? I was never aware of a pregnancy." I looked around still in complete shock.

"Well, that's very understandable. You aren't showing yet, but we were checking your blood and it came to our attention that you were carrying a baby."

"Is it alright? Is it a girl or boy?" I questioned placing a hand on my forehead.

"We do not know the gender, but from the looks of it, everything is going fine in your pregnancy. Is it your first?" She grinned.

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