Chapter Twenty Six

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It was Saturday, I was finally happy to have the weekend off from work. I have been so busy with work this week, however, not as busy as Chris, I haven't seen much of him because he was always doing stuff. I didn't get to see him this morning either because he had to go somewhere. I took that time to go grocery shopping and see some family members.

I texted Chris:

"Baby when are you coming home?"

I didn't know whether to make him some lunch or not. As I waited for a reply I ended up starting to clean the house, just a quick clean; putting things away, and a bit of dusting.

I went into the master bedroom, where most of the mess was. I put some dirty clothes into the washer, and started to move some stuff into cabinets and placed them where they needed to go.

Chris had some random stuff in the cabinets, looked like he just placed stuff in there so it was out of the way.

I put the Comet cleaner on the sink because I was preparing to clean the shower and tub.

"Whew," I breathed pulling out a candle box. It was a strawberry flavored one and I decided that that would smell good in the room. I picked up the box but by the wieight of it, it felt empty. I went to open it to check if anything was inside before I threw it away but I heard the front door open which caught my attention.

"Babe!" I heard Chris's voice call.

A smile appeared on my face, I had been waiting all week, which seemed like an eternity, just to spend some time with Chris.

I placed the box back into the cabinet then closed it. I jumped up from the floor and followed his voice. I saw him in the kitchen, looking for food once again.

"Hey, baby. I was just about to make some lunch for us, what do you want?" I smiled standing next to the refrigerator.

He poked his head out from the fridge then closed it behind him. He smiled weakly then pulled me into a hug.

"You look stressed, are you okay?" I asked concerned as I hugged him back.

"Yeah, it's just been a busy week. I had some sketches due for the clothing line. " He kissed my forehead.

"I've missed you." His baritone voice flowed in my ears as he kissed my cheek grabbing my butt.

"I have missed you so much, too." I smiled, kissing his lips.

I wanted a bit more than just a kiss, it's been a week. However, I didn't think Chris was in the mood so I didn't try and take it any further. He was sick for a while and I didn't want to initiate anything if he was too sick to continue anything on with me. So, as I said I was going to do, I began making us some lunch. Chris wandered off to the bedroom as I did so.


Something felt off. I just had a bad feeling that one day Robyn would find out before I got the chance to tell her for myself. I didn't want to keep secrets from her but I just didn't know how to tell her or what she'll do if I did tell her.

I opened my cabinet and pulled out my box, taking my two pills out then picking up a water bottle from the side. I quickly took my medicine before Robyn saw, I placed it back away, hidden away.

"Did you want just meat in the sandwich or some salad?" I heard Robyn's voice ramble.

"Uh, yeah." I replied plainly.

"Yeah?" She giggled lightly.

"Yeah to just meat or yeah to salad too?" She questioned.

"Oh," I forced a chuckle out.

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