Chapter Twenty Two

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Chris held one hand on the steering wheel while the other one rested in mine. It was a later time of the evening and Chris was driving us to some mystery place.

Moments like this make me realize I made the right choice. Channing wouldn't even care to hold my hand. Chris? Just makes me so happy.

I felt Chris glance over to me, shortly following a light chuckle escape from his lips.

"What are you over there laughing at?" I asked him in confusion, still smiling slightly.

"You." He stated.

"We are not even there yet and you are already smiling like a little kid."

"Am not." I poked his cheek with my pointer finger.

"Yes you are, but that smile is so cute on you."

I tried to keep a straight face but I couldn't help but smile as I felt my cheeks blush. I found myself feeling bubbly and blushy after almost everything Chris did, it was now a normal thing.

"Stop." I told him as my cheeks are starting to hurt from smiling so hard.

"You look sexy in that dress too, got a nigga feeling all types of ways for you." Chris complimented me again, winking at the end of his sentence.

Chris took his hand out of mine and placed it on my inner thigh instead. He rubbed and squeezed on it occasionally as he drove. I

We ended up going up a hill, it was silent, no one else around us from what it seems. There was no road left, just all land, still some of the hill still left to go up.

"We have to stop here." Chris told me.

He got out the car, I followed out after.

"I was going to open the door for you..." Chris spoke disappointedly.

"Oh..." Is all I could think of replying with..

He grabbed some stuff out from the back of the car. I saw a picnic box, a blanket and two big hoodies. I smiled even harder than before, my baby was too adorable. Whatever he did made me happy, but this was perfect.

"I'll take these." I told him.

I took the hoodies and blankets off of him so he didn't have to carry everything. Also, it gave him a spare hand to hold my hand. We walked up the hill in comfortable silence, just enjoying each other's company.

"Oh, wow." I spoke in amazement.

We made it to the top, and I was speechless at the beauty. We had a perfect view of the city.

"You like it?" Chris asked.

"Of course!" I excitedly answered.

We placed the things on the ground, I took that chance to jump into Chris's arms. I just needed to hug him.

Chris chuckled lightly, squeezing me back, holding me in his arms in a protective way.

We placed the blankets down, opening up the food, mix of both of our favourite foods. We put on the hoodies, I noticed Chris gave me his hoodie. We sat cuddle up as we munched on the food. Now this is perfect, even more perfect that I'm here with Chris, I wouldn't want to be here with anyone else.

"I think this is a perfect time to tell you how I really feel about you." Chris started as he took a soothing breath.

He lifted my chin up by his finger and made me look into his eyes.. I fell under a spell.

"I love you, Robyn. I have never loved anyone with the same adoration I do with you. I'm always going to treat you like a queen, because you truly deserve it." Chris poured his heart out to me.

"I'm going to treat you like a king because I love you too." I admitted.

"I will never hurt you, Rob. I won't ever forget about you either." Chris promised.

I couldn't even form words, so I just pulled him into a kiss. Chris started kicking the food out the way as he slowly leaned me down onto the ground covered with our soft blanket. Chris breathed against my body, kissing on my neck as he rubbed his hands up and down my upper thigh. I knew Chris adventurous with the places he made love, but this was definitely something else.

"I'm going to make the best love to you you've ever dreamed..." Chris sexually whispered into my ear, sending shivers up and down my spine.

I let him take all of the control; I was so overwhelmed by everything that was happening at the moment I could not even think straight.

"Ooo, fuck!" I accidentally screamed.

Chris unexpectedly slipped into me, taking me by surprise, I couldn't help but scream. There was barely any struggle since I was already dripping wet. I was so caught up, I didn't even feel my clothes being taken off when they were.

"You can scream, baby. Let the whole world know who's it is."

He kissed my lips as he stroked slowly in and out. I swear, it felt better and better every time we did it and got intimate. He just knew exactly what my body wanted and needed and he knew how to give it.

He flipped me over onto my side, he rested next to me and started thrusting inside of me hard and fast.

I didn't know how he did it: how could someone be this good at making love? I have learned so much from a few weeks of being with him than years with Channing.

"Oh, my, Chris." I whimpered as my eyes shut tightly due to all the pleasure.

I melted up into his arms which were wrapped around me, holding as he thrusted hard into me, nearly ripping up my walls, if he kept going like this I wouldn't be walking for a while.

I was scared for my vagina.

"Shit, I love you." Chris groaned as he kept going.

I didn't think we would be stopping anytime soon, but hey, I wasn't complaining.

"I-I love you too..." I managed to say back.

- Kim.

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