Chapter Eleven

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"How was work?" Channing asked me as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind.

I unwrapped his arms from around me and turned around to face him.

"Good. I think I may have found Chris someone, they have done it three times but he's been saying it's nothing. Her name is Cassie formally known as Cassandra by the way. But if you've had sex three times, surely it's something, right?" I rambled on as I spoke rapidly.

"I don't know." Channing replied unbothered.

"Well I think-"

"I don't care about Chris, baby." Channing told me as he pulled me closer to him.

"You think I give you enough attention?" He continued.

"You asked about work though and, frankly, Chris is my work." I replied confused.

"Yeah, yeah. But do you think I give you enough attention?" Channing repeated.

I thought about it for a bit, Chris says Channing doesn't notice me enough, but I understand why.... we are both always working. We are married, not all married couples have time for each other, right?

"I suppose, I don't know, why?" I asked as I moved away from him and went to the fridge.

"I just don't think we spend enough time with each other, I don't want you to forget I love you." He told me softly.

I stopped looking for dinner, turning around to wrap my arms around his neck, I kissed his lips a couple of times. I just felt guilty touching him as I knew I didn't feel the sexual spark I did with Chris. However, I knew I still loved Channing, just the sexual feeling had faded away. We became used to each other's touch.

If Chris and I began messing around, the sexual spark would fade away after time as well. That's just what happens; you get used to the other person.

"I love you, forever and ever. Stop worrying, I'm not going anywhere." I smiled, kissing his lips once more before I went back to the fridge.

"What do you want for dinner?" I questioned.

"You." He replied unusually.

I started laughing, I turned around to see by his facial expression he was being serious.

Him trying to be all sexy just threw me off a bit, I wasn't used to him doing it, I had gotten used to Chris being the only one who flirted with me. I didn't want Channing to feel insecure, I didn't want him to think I was going to leave him, but I didn't want him to start changing.

"I think we should make love, we never do it." Channing requested as he moved closer to me again.

"We did it like a month ago, or something." I bluntly replied.

He surprised me as he kissed me, holding and pulling my body firmly close to his. I smiled against his lips. We have never gotten in the kitchen, it's always just been in the bedroom. The kitchen? It's different and fun, I actually started feeling myself slightly becoming turned on. This is what I wanted. This is what I and Channing's relationship needed... fun.

"Let's get to it." I breathed against his lips.

I roamed my hands up and down his and from under his shirt. His hands where wrapped around my lower waist. I removed my hands from his chest and placed them on Channing's hands, moving his hands to my ass making him grip tightly. I wanted us to do it so badly. I wanted him to touch me and take control.

"Let's go to the bedroom." Channing heavily breathed as he moved away from me.

I gave him a blank expression. The bedroom again? Why can't he ever be exciting? Chris was ready to give it to me in my office, I bet Chris would just put it down on me right now.

"No, let's do it here, in the kitchen." I smirked and went to pull him back to me.

"What no, that's weird." Channing laughed as me thought I was joking.

The excitement I felt dropped again. I just wanted him to feel excited by me, no matter where or what time he wanted to feel me. I wanted us to have that spark again.

"Maybe another time." I sighed in disappointment.

"Why? We just got started, come on." Channing urged.

"I'm going to Planet Fitness. I haven't worked out in a while, I'll see you later." I replied as I walked into the bedroom getting my workout bag.

Channing followed behind; he looked so confused. I didn't have time to explain how I felt. I walked past him then left the house. I didn't want to have boring sex, so there was no point, so I just went.

Once I arrived at Planet Fitness, I went to the women's changing room to get into my workout clothes. I placed my stuff safely away in the locker then went out to look around at the machines, thinking about which workout I wanted to do first.

I looked over to the weights, someone took my attention. Christopher Maurice Brown. His abs shinned as the sweat dripped down his body, I looked at him strongly in a sexual gaze. God blessed him. This was the first time I had gotten to actually eye the gorgeous tattoos he had all over his chest and arms, even his back. The memories of him touching me made  me feel tingly and aroused.

He placed the weights down then looked around the room. I went to look away but his eyes caught with mine, my breath went for a minute then I kept reminding myself I was married.

He smirked at me, I instantly felt myself blush. I watched him as he took the towel from around his shoulders and placed it on his abs, he started removing the sweat from his body.

I couldn't help but watch him, I clinched my legs together trying not to form any wetness. He just kept smirking at me .... he knows what he does to me.

He started walking towards me, I wanted to start running, if he came closer I was going to lose the control I have been fighting. His presence was right in front of me, my voice got caught in my throat when he licked his lips at me.

"Robyn Rihanna Fenty." His deep sexy voice spoke.

- Kim

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